Camera and MES – Recap on essential terms and analysis – TV Drama

Welcome Back. We are moving on! Now! Part of your Component 2 exam is to analyse an unseen 5 minute clip from a TV drama. You have to understand how to ‘read and decode’ a moving image and write up a full essay on how meaning has been communicated through the use of: MISE ENContinue reading Camera and MES – Recap on essential terms and analysis – TV Drama


ITS THE FINAL COUNTDOWN TODAY AND TOMORROW Get your magazine finished and uploaded and flipsnacked before EASTER – this will mean for some, after school, lunchtime and independent study, OVER EASTER As some of you have not engaged in independent study time enough this term, some of your will have to: Complete all the CCRsContinue reading FINAL COURSEWORK ADVICE

CCR ADVICE – revisiting and completing them

By the end of this week, you are aiming to have completed ALL OF THE CCRs, so that next week you can tweak the blog, tweak the final product and basically sign off 25% of your A Level grade. So in lessons this week: Revisit the key post relating to the CCR in this classContinue reading CCR ADVICE – revisiting and completing them


INTRODUCTION – take the time to read and absorb the information and advice before you start. Listen to screen castify and make notes Complete the commentary table/template on classroom – submit for teacher feedback. Copy Emaze or make your own. Look at student exemplar below. Link is here, if this works as a copy: CutContinue reading CCR1– HOW DOES YOUR PRODUCT USE OR DEVELOP CONVENTIONS AND HOW DOES IT REPRESENT SOCIAL GROUPS OR ISSUES?

CCR2 – How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?

Complete the Magazine Distribution task and submit to classroom. All resources on classroom – 1 hour. Magazine Distribution – articles and research – read and summarise. Find your allocated article in the  Google presentation in classroom – 1 hour . Summary of Ideas – Screencastify summary by your teacher Script  Template – write your script forContinue reading CCR2 – How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?

CCR2 – How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text? – RESEARCH

How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text? There are a number of concepts that need to be addressed to answer this question fully. Who is you audience? How did you fulfil your audiences needs and expectations? What is meant by distribution? Who owns andContinue reading CCR2 – How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text? – RESEARCH

CCR3 – How did your production skills develop throughout this project? – letter to prospective student

How did your production skills develop throughout this project? You have reflected on your skills , just like Napoleon Dynamite… You have thought about and evidenced your production journey in Media Studies in your blog. Most of the work for this question has already been done! So…Hooray & Hoorah! This Creative Critical Reflection asks youContinue reading CCR3 – How did your production skills develop throughout this project? – letter to prospective student

CCR4 – exemplar responses

Describe the impact and if possible one possible moment, event, time, episode where that technology directly affected the product. Use the key term INTEGRATE or synonyms: used, included, involved, incorporated, applied etc RESEARCH AND PLANNING – HARDWARE To do my research and planning, I used my iPhone and my laptop. For example, I used myContinue reading CCR4 – exemplar responses

CCR4 – So how did you integrate technologies (online, hardware and software) into this project?

 Task Create an info-graphic using Picktochart using stills from your music magazine, and screen shots of the skill/technology being used. You must comment on how the various examples of software, hardware and online technologies were integrated…used/applied/implemented in the production process and/or impacted on the final outcomes of the product or impacted on your SKILLS. TheContinue reading CCR4 – So how did you integrate technologies (online, hardware and software) into this project?