Postmodern Media – Moving on – what on earth is this?




The coursework is over. ‘The Blog is dead. Long live the Blog!‘ (this, by the way, is an intertextual reference with a hint of parody, so could be classed as an example of postmodern literacy BUT OF COURSE you have to be culturally competent to get it!!)

But what the heck is Postmodernism?

Baudrillard was a cool French guy

Who constantly makes media students cry

Hyperreality is now a real thing

You can get paid even if you can’t sing

So set your sights high

For a media ride you should try

Postmodernism is the thing……postmodernism is King!

Does any of this make sense? The above is a Limerick penned by an A2 student, that in 5 short weeks will make complete and utter sense.

By Easter, you will be ready and armed with textual references and theorists galore so that you can answer Section 2 of the Component 4 paper. The essay is worth 50 marks and should take about an hour to write in the exam. So it is an extremely important part of your A Level course.

Heads down…..brains engage.

Off we goooo….

A postmodern joke – get it? No…?


This is a slide show which tries to explain a definition of Postmodernism:

Still stuck? Here are some video explanations:


How would you define Postmodernism in 20 words? If you can do it, you are a super scholar!  Even university professors seem to struggle to agree, but it would be good to have a go. Read the following to see if it helps.

You can also use these to help with the allocated Postmodern term exercise on classroom.
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