My Magazine Front Page Swede


In this task we copied a magazine front cover as best as we could, we used indesign to create this front cover. This was our first task using indesign and I had never used it before. All of the skills used in this piece were learnt in our introductory lesson to indesign, from youtube videos or during the task.

My Copy of the Magazine Cover

The Original

During the task we chose an NME magazine cover and tried to re-create is using Indesign. This being our first task on indesign we learnt how to use the program as we created our copy.

We had to re-create all the features of the magazine such as the masthead, pug, main cover star, etc. We used multiple different tools to achieve these features such as word manipulation, picture manipulation and shaping tools.

The part of the task that I struggled with the most was all of the text in the top right of the magazine, getting the text to fit and align with the other text just how the original was the issue. I solved this by using the many tools that can be used to manipulate text such as being able to stretch text horizontally or vertically and being able to slant the text. These tools greatly helped with this problem, using multiple text boxes also helped with some of the alignment issues. Using multiple text boxes means I could easily arrange each line of text to look the same as the original.

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