Music Video – Final

After hours and hours of editing, we have finally completed our music video! Since our penultimate draft, we have re-shot certain individual clips, such as the slow motion shots. The reason for doing this is that the slow motion shots were particularly praised throughout the feedback and we felt we needed to work on this. The original slow motion shots were only shot in 480p at 60fps. We re-filmed them in 1080p at 120fps. The increased resolution and frame rate made for a smoother and better looking clip.

Final Video: Down To Earth – LastMinute

Click on the video below to view the final draft.


In summary, I am pleased with the overall quality of my final product. I feel that we perfected the product to the best of our ability, considering certain limitations such as resources and time. In an ideal world, we would have had an audience included in the performance aspect of the video. However, I felt that we were able to adapt our performance effectively to create a  good performance aspect. I also feel that the pace of editing and the contrast of the video in general has been improved dramatically since the first draft. The part I am most happy with would be the chorus as I feel this effectively created an energetic feeling. I am also glad that we decided to reduce the length of the music video from 4:31 to 3:14, as it becomes very difficult to keep the video energetic the longer it lasts.

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