The Camera Talks

I can tell a story with a camera. In this task we were in a group and had to take at least 50 photos using different angles, framing and distance to tell a story. We used a mixture of low, high, long and wide angles. We also used a DSLR camera which I believed helped a lot as it captured detail which is useful when telling a story.

Our aim with the extremely long shots on the field was to show how the model was in such a large area of land but was so isolated and lonely. We also made the model have a straight/relaxed face so that the audience could interpret how the model is feeling. With the two shots we wanted to have the audience question what is happening and what is the relationship between the two models. For example the high angle on the stairs the models are both looking at the camera and aren’t showing a connection so it makes the audience question whether these are strangers or whether they know each other.

Overall what I have learnt from this task is that when taking a photo you have to consider the angle it is taken at and the distance the photographer is from the model in order to tell a story to the audience. I have also learnt that mise-en-scene and camera skills together can be even more effective when telling a story.

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