Prelim Task Mood Montage

For this assigned task we had to plan, act and film a short 40 second video on an emotion given out by the teahcer. We had the feeling of frustration and had to capture this by acting and filming a performance based on this emotion. First we had to create a storyboard that included all of our ideas. With this we were able to plan our video and decide what kind of shots we would include and how we could plan out our transitions. We decided on 3 different scenarios that would capture this feeling of frustration. One shot was of me losing a board game, we then filmed someone trying to untangle a group of wires, eventually giving up and becoming angry and finally we captured several shots from different angles to show someone playing basketball and missing shots, leading to an act of anger and frustration to which our video ended.

From this task I was able to learn what I could improve upon for the next time when we shoot our music videos.


  • We captured a variety of shots and angles
  • We were able to include some live transitions
  • Our group worked well together and we were able to include most of our ideas


  • The setting didn’t always match the feel of the scene or emotion
  • We were rushed, therefore we weren’t able to include all of our clips or as many transitions as we wished
  • Not all of our transitions were smooth and just ended up being cut off

Overall I have been able to learn from this task. I have started to get a feel of the editing aspects of film and play around with different transitions and techniques. I have also been able to work in a new group that improves my confidence and to be able to communicate and contribute openly. Ultimately I have taken a lot of positives from this task and will use this as a platform to work on and improve as I progress through the practical stages of the course.

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