On Tuesday the 29th of November me Caitlin and Alex went to Fort Richmond to film for our thriller, we had another group with us who were our actors and when they filmed Alex and Caitlin were their actors. The weather was sunny but very cold however, this necessitated that we all wore very warm clothes to prevent us from getting cold. In this blog post I will be evaluating both the highs and lows of the day and also improvements that were required for our second day if filming.

The high points of the day:

  • All shots that were taken were filmed well and with little trouble.
  • In all the shots that were taken we ensured to never break the 180 degree rule.
  • We made changes to the way we planned on shooting the “666” element of our thriller that proved to be far more easier than the way we initially planned on filming it.
  • We added extra shots to what was on our shot list that proved to strengthen the narrative.

The low points of the day:

  • There was definite lack of mise en scene in our thriller.
  • By the end of the day we began to rush many of the shots out of fear of running out of time and coming away with shots missing.
  • We forgot to bring a board game which was a vital prop for our narrative sense.


Targets that were set for the next day of filming:

  • Fill in the gaps of the narrative/the shots that we missed on the initial day of filming.
  • Ensure that we had the missing props to strengthen our mise en scene.
  • Redo shots that were either out of focus or not filmed to our satisfaction.