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Titles Design and Production

For the next part of producing our thriller we had to develop titles to accompany the opening sequence, this is so that we can give credit to the various actors, producers, directors and various other individuals that need to be given credit.

To begin this process we looked at possible fonts that we could use for the titles, these fonts were from the website In the end we decided to use one of the preset fonts that was on premier pro as we felt that it gave simple yet effective connotations of the thriller genre.

Below are the potential fonts for our thriller:

Out of all of these fonts we decided that it would be best to use one of the default fonts that was on After Effects. We did this because we felt they were extremely simple but effective. The font that we used was a simple serif style of font that was coloured in plain black (apart from part of the main title). We used this font because we felt that it had connotations of danger and also gave a tense atmosphere that would prepare the viewer for what is to follow.

Screenshots of titles:

Screenshots of tools used in after effects:

Final Thriller

Triple 6


Draft 3 (Edit includes music and foley sounds)

As part of the third wave of editing we as a a group had to add in various audio files both diegetic and non diegetic,  ranging from sound effects downloaded from the internet to foley sounds that were recorded in various parts of the school. For example we downloaded ambient tracks of low pitch droning noises to contribute to the atmosphere of our thriller and recorded foley sounds like the clanging of metal, footsteps and the sounds of clothes brushing together to fill in the gaps that were left when recording the original shoot day.

Other pieces of editing that were  done in the third wave of editing was making amendments in accordance to the pieces of feedback that we were given during draft 2. This included: Ensuring titles were on screen for the correct amount of time, Have the titles placed in their optimum position and to ensure that the name are in higher case and the other accompanying words are in lower case.

Below is the feedback that I received for draft 3, it was recorded on castify with the intention of making it easy to visualise the feedback that was being given to me, thusly making it easy for me to improve my thriller to its full potential.

In summary the amendments that have been highlighted by the feedback are:

  • Add in a droning sound at the start of the thriller to solidify the atmospheric theme of the thriller
  • Eliminate the diegetic sounds of wind
  • Add a tension stimulating sound effect for when the antagonist puts the warning sign back onto the gate.

Titles research and planning

To help us better understand film titles in thriller productions we as a group conducted research on three thrillers one of which was a timeline of the titles that would appear and two documents that researched two other thrillers, these two documents contained a list of the titles that appeared in chronological order, some screenshots and analysis of the main film title, the fonts, animations etc.

Titles Timeline

The Titles Timeline is a document that contains all of the titles that appeared, the length that they appeared for. The film that I researched was Se7en (1995-David Fincher). This document helped us to figure out the order that titles generally follow, the length of time that each title should be on screen for and analysis of sound and title design.

Below is a picture of this document:

Title Research

The Titles Research documents are documents that contain a list of the titles that are used, screenshots of titles and analysis of the animations, fonts and sizes etc.

Below are the documents:


This is the list that may possibly be used:

  • A film by… becklsey wild
  • Star – gemma langlois
  • Star – reece ferdinand
  • Star – adam guille
  • Star – sam coley
  • Film title triple 6
  • Star olivia le friec
  • Casting by – caitlin robilliard
  • Star – laurence plevin
  • Star – beth ozanne
  • Costume design by… ewan smith
  • Visual effects by… alex gill
  • Screenplay by… Lucy S.Davis
  • Director – Tom misselke

Draft 1 (Edit including transitions and filters)

As part of the editing process of our thriller we constructed a draft 1 which showcased our thriller with narrative sense and a first layer of editing. This layer of editing consisted of adding shots from the second day of filming to fill in the gaps of narrative sense and inserting transitions and filters to add tension.

We also received feedback from other groups for the purpose of constructive criticism.

These pieces of feedback areas follows.

  • The pan is quite jolty and very stop and start, I like the montage and the effect that the establishing shots give, however I am not a fan of the fade between each shot. I really like the rope and the dice part as it was quite effective.
  • the montage at the start is very effective there is a lot of walking, it could be cut down a bit really like the angles and shots used-they make it interesting to watch good match-en-action when they are speaking it needs to be re-cut as it is cut short in some places, in others doesn’t make sense and the door doesn’t shut either makes you want to watch more as you don’t know whats happened to them or why.
  • The narrative makes sense and flows well. I would suggest to use colour correction to add to the thriller. Mise-en-scene stuff is really good. Also the montage was cool.
  • The continuity is good and it makes good narrative sense. I like the establishing shots and the beginning. However there’s a lot of walking. You could cut the walking down to create more pace. You have good match on action especially when they pull the rope and the dices roll along the floor. In addition you have a good eye line match when they go to look at the dice. However at the end when trying to open the door it doesn’t make sense as he walks to the door to try open it and the next scene is of him walking towards the door.

Based on the feedback that I have been given I have set myself these targets.

These targets are as follows:

  • Include less walking so as to increase the momentum of the shots.
  • Make use of different angles to make the shots more interesting.
  • Ensure that the shots are stable and not shaky as this will improve the overall quality of the thriller.

Editing Process

Below are screenshots of the editing process that shaped the footage we had shot into draft 1.

Additional planning documents for shoot 2

After the initial day of shooting as a group we compiled all of the shots we got into order to see if they made narrative sense, naturally there were gaps and some shots were missing. This meant that we would have to go back to Fort Richmond to re-film so that we could get the shots we missed out on the first day of filming . In preparation for re-filming we created a new production meeting agenda and shot list.

These new documents are below:

Rough Cut (Basic edit of narrative)

The rough cut is all of the shots that we acquired from the day of filming put into order, so as to provide narrative and to have a clear outline of any shots that we needed to shoot on the second day of filming in order to fill the gaps that we left from the first day of filming. By making a narrative rough cut we are also able to have an idea of what we will need to do when we reach the editing stage of producing our thriller. I feel as if the narrative rough cut was successful in serving its purpose of making clear what we needed to do in order to form complete narrative sense, improve our thriller and gives us an insight into the obstacles that we would have to tackle in the editing stage.

Improvements that are to be made are:

  • Fill the gaps in the narrative.
  • add tension and atmosphere.
  • Make a clear antagonist to add to the tension and atmosphere of our thriller.

Shooting Day Evaluation

On Tuesday the 29th of November me Caitlin and Alex went to Fort Richmond to film for our thriller, we had another group with us who were our actors and when they filmed Alex and Caitlin were their actors. The weather was sunny but very cold however, this necessitated that we all wore very warm clothes to prevent us from getting cold. In this blog post I will be evaluating both the highs and lows of the day and also improvements that were required for our second day if filming.

The high points of the day:

  • All shots that were taken were filmed well and with little trouble.
  • In all the shots that were taken we ensured to never break the 180 degree rule.
  • We made changes to the way we planned on shooting the “666” element of our thriller that proved to be far more easier than the way we initially planned on filming it.
  • We added extra shots to what was on our shot list that proved to strengthen the narrative.

The low points of the day:

  • There was definite lack of mise en scene in our thriller.
  • By the end of the day we began to rush many of the shots out of fear of running out of time and coming away with shots missing.
  • We forgot to bring a board game which was a vital prop for our narrative sense.


Targets that were set for the next day of filming:

  • Fill in the gaps of the narrative/the shots that we missed on the initial day of filming.
  • Ensure that we had the missing props to strengthen our mise en scene.
  • Redo shots that were either out of focus or not filmed to our satisfaction.

Risk Assessment

The risk assessment is another document that was used in planning for the filming day. The risk assessment contains all of the likely/possible hazards that may occur on the day of the filming, clarification that the “risk is adequately controlled”, the actions that will be taken in the instance of this hazard and finally everyone’s signature to show that they understand everything that is written on the risk assessment.


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