A Front Cover Analysed

Here you can see my analysis of the ‘Rolling Stone’ magazine’s cover starring Harry Styles. As you can see I broke down the different aspects of the cover and came up with a fair bit. I say about how multiple demographic/psychographic groups may have been targeted by the cover. Furthermore I speak into the connotations that make me feel this and convey this message to me.

As you can see this magazine cover is very diverse and inclusive, which is potentially a very strong marketing technique, as Harry Styles represents modern day pop-culture, whilst this isn’t really the genre of the Rolling Stone mag.

As well as this, despite me not touching on it, the cover holds many conventional design features of a magazine cover, therefore attracting and boasting even more content to attract customers.

After studying this magazine cover, I have gauged multiple different ways to draw in the attention of your target audience as well as widening your target audience. As well as this I now know how important it is to know your audience, as if you don’t you may get it all wrong and they may not like it, therefore they may begin to lose interest and if you keep on making the same mistakes they may start to completely fall out of love with your magazine brand. I also know how this will help me have a more well structured and interesting magazine cover for when I come around to it. Finally it also enables me to understand and be able to deconstruct poses and stances of cover stars, and how this may be engaging to customers, especially when the person is a model or creates a lot of their popularity from their appearance.