An Introduction to InDesign and My Front Page Swede



final draft

This here is my own production of the NME magazine cover from April 2020. I copied the cover and had everything looking as similar as possible. I replicated the cover when LCD SoundSystem where the main feature, being the cover star. The cover on the left is

In the journey of creating this poster I have learnt a lot, about In Design and Magazine covers. I have learnt many special features that In Design beholds, all the different ways it can assist you to make your work look as good as possible. I have also come to realize how important each aspect of the cover is, what every little change can connote. How important lining up all the cover lines, masthead, insets, etc are and how important the spacing between the words and how important the proportion of each bit of writing is. Each conventional feature (cover star, masthead, cover lines, etc) has so much more to it when deconstructed, and how many little things go into making all of these conventional features bode together and make the cover look as aesthetically pleasing as possible.

Overall I feel I did a decent job on InDesign replicating the cover. 3 strengths of mine were lining all of the features up and having them in the same proportion as the original front cover, as well as finding good fonts and font sizing and spacing between the words. Another strength of mine was that I used the tools for the text to line it up in the box before lining the box up with the others.

3 weaknesses of mine were that a few time I missed a few very fine details, e.g the price or underlining in the top right. Another weakness was that I was a bit careless at times, misspelling or missing words which effects my cover negatively. Finally at the start on InDesign I was getting all the tools mixed up and kept messing up my work prolonging my finish.

Overall this will be a very key part in my learning and progress into developing my media, especially when it comes to developing my music magazine. I’ve learnt a lot and I feel like I’ve made good progress on InDesign. It has also further enhanced my understanding of the conventional cover features and how these can be boded together to look as aesthetically pleasing as possible and how important it is to effectively bode these together for the best possible front cover.