My Tour Poster

As you can see I have discovered 8 tour posters of some of my favourite music artists. All of these artists are from my favourite genre, which is rap/hip-hop, a lot of these covers hold some similar features, however some of them have some differences within these similarities. For example all the covers have conventional features of a dark background, with a midshot of the artist. Within the midshot is where the first difference starts to occur, with some of the artists looking right down the lens of the camera, yet some are looking away or doing their own unique thing. This slight change can make a lot of difference, especially when this midshot photo is the star of the cover. The darker background is very effective as it makes the cover star and cover lines stand out even more. It also makes the special effects and lighting more stand out and effective. As well as this a very common conventional feature is that all of them have their name or the album name in very big and bold or quirky writing, catching the eye, apart from Kanye West’s, however this isn’t surprising as it’s Kanye, and he likes to be different, it’s a big contribution to his brand name.

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As you can see my poster isn’t the best, however it does behold many of the conventional features. What makes it unique is that it’s a bit of a mix between an Indie and Hip Hop cover. This is because the main photo is from an ‘Indie Photoshoot’, which I wasn’t apart of. Furthermore the text for the main cover line is very indie styled, however the background of the photo is quite a mix of Indie and Hip Hop, more of a chilled Hip Hop vibe. Then with the rest of the cover it is more focused on a hip hop style. Therefore this makes the cover very unique whilst still displaying the conventional design features. Despite not really intending for this to happen, therefore something that didn’t exactly go to plan, I do really like the vibe and aesthetic of the poster, due to the uniqueness of it and the quirkiness.

Within the poster i didn’t include all of AIDA however I did with most of it. AIDA consists of –

  • Attention
  • Interest
  • Desire
  • Action

Attention is attracted by the contrast in colours. I feel as if that attracts eyes as it’s aesthetically pleasing. This attention creates interest and the rest of the poster draws them to be interested in the event and fascinated.