Brand Moodboard & Star Image

For this post I have found a lot of inspiration for what I want my magazine to look like. I have found styles, colours photos and genre conventions I’d like to follow. The genre conventions I like come predominantly from my Star Images, of Drake. This photos of him demonstrate both ordinary and extraordinary features I would like to connote in my photos I take. I would also like to be able to display a meta-narrative with some of these photos too, as I feel this is a strong and affective technique.

After researching on Pinterest I have come to realise the conventional colour and style used by this genre(rap/hip-hop). This assists me a lot in catching and retaining the eye of my target audience, and it’s important I am aware at what the lack of these colours or conventional features may harm my sales or ratings. I need to make sure I use these colours and styles (my denotations) effectively, and that the meaning and usage behind them is clear (the connotation). This will give my magazine a brand, it will represent and display my magazine.

Here are some photos that I aim to have my cover photo represent or look like. These photos are good as they all have some conventional features, even if some are different features. A lot of them are clearly showing a degree of wealth with the chains and jewelry being well represented, with the hip-hop style of fashion clearly on show too. You can see this with some of the links between sport, as well as the baggy and very loud clothing.

My Audience Profile & Research

This is my research on about 3 artists that are involved in the rap/hip-hop scene. These images below display their viewers age and features, it also show’s their other interests about music, TV shows, what they read and search and other famous celebs they are interested in.

Drake’s Audience

Kanye West’s Audience

Snoop Doggs Audience

After researching on I have found out a lot about my target audience, and how effective finding the brand and genre of your target is to being successful. This will assist me in my magazine and the branding and USP of my magazine. This helps me detect the language, colour schemes and backgrounds to use. It identifies the audience and shows me how to catch their eye, and retain their attention.

I will use quite a strong font, to interest and attract my audience, however I will also use big names and have photo of big artists, therefore many viewers will take a liking and interest to the product. This will encode the fans of this artist to the magazine, it decodes to that they will get the impression it would be of their preferred reading as their favourite artist or an artist they have a lot of interest in is involved.