What is a Contents Page?

A contents page tends to be on the first page of a magazine or inside the cover. They tend to behold all the information what’s to follow and whereabouts it is by telling you the page number. They are very useful and can be very good at making the target audience take action (buy the magazine).

Important things I need to think about while creating the contents page would be –

  • Editors hello
  • Page numbers
  • Hyperbole and superlatives in headlines
  • Images and word clues
  • Graphic illustrations and designs
  • Reminder of the magazine’s name and mission statement

As well as informing the readers, the contents page is also another opportunity to apply your AIDA, as I have briefly touched on already. I’m sure if the contents page has a link to the front cover, it will yet again catch the attention of the target audience and will be more memorable most likely. Then, if these readers are into hip-hop/rap they will take an interest to the magazine. If they skim read through my contents page and see what’s to follow, this should result in them having a desire to read it, therefore they should take action and buy the magazine.

Like the front cover, the contents page beholds conventional features too. It will also contain a masthead, stating what it is, then I will have cover lines, and where these features would be, and potentially a minor description on them. There isn’t too much else too them, as you can see in the slide below where I have researched some contents page designs on Pinterest. As you can see they’re fairly basic.

As preparation for creating my contents page I sketched out some ideas onto some paper very quickly of what I thought would be appropriate, catchy and conventional. These 3 all behold the same conventional features yet have different layouts as styles. As well as this I thought of some cover lines for my contents page, these include:

  • An exclusive interview with the extraordinary Travis Scott
  • The 10 hottest up and coming stars you NEED to know about
  • The hip-hop takeover across the globe
  • Exclusive interview on the Grammy winning feeling with ‘Chance the Rapper’
  • A hip-hop catchup
  • The most anticipated upcoming albums
  • Jay Z on how the game has changed…

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