Draft Of Contents Page



What type of shots have been used to create a variety of shot distances and how has the camera been used to communicate meaning?  

Could do with different models but there is a variety of shot distances from the close up on the front cover to long shot and mid shots. They’re satisfactory and conventional!


What choice of Mise en scene is appropriate for the star image and genre?

The street urban costume is appropriate and so is the jewellery and accessories. It shows a clear link to the genre with the strong props used. 

  How far is the font used readable and reflects the genre?

It is young, almost graffiti like and fits the genre. The fireball font is a bit cliched though and overused. It is also difficult to read a lot of text in a sans serif font in uppercase but you could also argue it is quite contemporary and appropriate for the young demographic of the target audience.  It shows a strong connotation of the genre and brand and good sense if that’s the target audience.


What technical conventions of a Contents page are present and used effectively?  

Page numbers, insets but no captions on the photos so who are they? No page number for the actual contents page. Needs proofing for typos.  There is a pug but that is a bit thin in terms of design – feels a bit placed and too obvious! Very satisfactory and minimal.


How has Indesign been used to layout the page to convey a brand?

Yes as there are photos and plenty of information but perhaps the cover lines are too bold and perhaps we need more information. Definitely need captions on the insets to anchor the images. Lacks description and information, too minimal again.  


 How well have the text and visuals been integrated together?

Top two page numbers need to be on the right margin to keep continuity with the bottom right column numbers. Some of the visuals need anchoring or giving some extra border or shadow to make them have more impact? They’re rather minimal. 


Where has photoshop been used to manipulate the photos to enhance the star image or genre? 

The main model needs to be manipulated more to give him a sharper image or one that fits with the genre. It is too ‘ordinary’ at the moment, seems as it’s been used as it’s just functional. Whereas the two borrowed images have some filter, impact and narrative attached to them, they clearly connote the genre.


 How is the language used appropriate for the genre and target audience?

More colloquial genre appropriate lingo is needed as at the moment it may not speak to the target audience in the right register and tone. It fails to convey the genre well and lacks effective language.


Following this peer assessment I have conjured up 5 targets for my contents page that I can use, these are as follows:

  • Use effects on the photo’s; borders, inner/outer glow, contouring, shading
  • Line up my numbers on the top to right side, line up with my number at the bottom
  • Use shadows and and effects under my writing in places, add a bit of style to the page
  • Take some better photo’s to represent my brand and genre, make sure they have good MES and photo quality
  • Change the language, use more catchy and persuasive language to fit my brand