Language Analysis

For my language analysis I am referencing an article by Wyclef Jean on his experiences and lessons learnt through his music career. This article is dated back to September 2017 and it’s done by Q magazine.

The article speaks on ‘the rapper and musicians rules for life.’ Here he gives 10 tips for life, varying over multiple circumstances and situations, whilst some are transferrable skills.

Who is Wyclef Jean? Nel Ust Wyclef Jean is an actor, rapper and musician, winning 3 Grammy Awards. He also filed to be the president of Tahiti in 2010, however he was ruled ineligible to stand for office. He has quite the variety across his life so could be a very good person to take tips off of!

What does he talk about? Jean talks about his life experiences. Everything he has learnt through his extraordinary career and what he would say is most important in life, his top tips or ‘commandments’ which are vital for a successful life.

Where was this article wrote?  Throughout the article there is no display of where it was wrote and constructed. However, you can clearly see that Wyclef Jean has wrote it all from a first person perspective straight from his own head and experiences, as at the end of the day no one else could give you his top 10 lessons and tips!

When were these tips released to the public? This article by Q magazine, written by Wyclef Jean was done in September 2017 yet the experiences and references date back to 1987.

Why did he write this article? I imagine he wrote this article as it is quite an interesting topic and maybe something that’s quite enjoyable to write. He may also feel as if it’s quite a good deed as he would be helping others. Also, readers would be interested in someone like Wyclef Jean’s experiences and top tips, due to his successful career, therefore it would have a large target audience and is a good business opportunity for not only Wyclef Jean but also the Q magazine.

How did he write this? He must’ve dedicated a lot of time to planning and constructing this article. It’s been constructed off of his experiences and the valuable lessons he has learnt, and he has deconstructed all these lessons and experiences and explained how they have helped and in what departments they’ve helped and he’s learnt from.


This article is structured as a ‘life tips’ article and that’s all really. This is clear to see due to the very simple and easy to understand structure and spacing. The large and bold numbers are very noticeable and make it very clear it is a tips list. This is because the big bold numbers are conventional features for a tips list making it very clear and easy to understand. As well as this the main tip is also in big bold writing like a subheading next to the number, with a paragraph underneath describing why he feels this way and how it an help, which yet again is a conventional feature for a life tips.

In this article it is very clear it’s from a first person perspective with no journalist or reporter present. This is because:

  • He speaks in first person
  • No questions are asked
  • Everything was straight from his perspective
  • Language used a journalist wouldn’t use or answers you wouldn’t reply to a journalist with

Due to the structure of the writing you do feel very informed and feel as of it is 100% truthful, it makes you trust and believe what is said as it is straight from him and couldn’t just be something made up on the spot. In this article there is no real conclusion or introduction from the author, he more or less goes straight into his tips, which could be quite a strong structure as there is no time to get bored and it’s all interesting when it comes to the tips, which is gripping for the reader.

The language used is connotes the rappers genre well, he touches on his past and upbringing and it links into hip-hop nicely. Throughout the article not many quotes are used, however 2  of them yet again link very strongly to his brand and genre, “I remember when I was 27 this person was an asshole to me.” and “Yo, can I sample this song?”. Both of these quotes show his personality off more, which makes you feel closer to the reader and article.

Overall I feel as if this article is very good. It makes you feel very close to the reader and you feel as if everything being said is 100% true. It gives you a very strong understanding of Wyclef Jean’s life and career. It also displays his personality well, with the quotes and language. This is a very good attribute to a ‘life tips’ article as it shows you why they may think this, it further enhances your understanding.