Draft 3 for Teacher Feedback

The changes made to these drafts are –


Front Cover –

  • Background from grey to black
  • Image pushed more centrally
  • Colour of coverline text
  • Outline colour of main coverline
  • Colour change of main coverline
  • Barcode moved to the right side
  • Price added
  • Date of issue added

Contents Page –

  • Font of heading/title
  • Font in the pug
  • Removed orange text
  • Yellow borders applied on all photos
  • Outer glow effect applied to all photo borders
  • Page number added

Double Page Spread –

  • Background colour to blue
  • Added orange effects to brighten up the page a bit, attract more attention
  • Made the weight of text even on both smaller photo captions
  • Added text to the main image
  • Explained who the people in the photos are
  • Shortened the intro


Below is a screen castify of my teachers review of my DPS, Front cover and Contents page –

To summarize the review, the changes and issues are –


Front Cover –

  • sharpen image on photoshop
  • make hat and glasses stand out
  • en biggen image
  • change pug
  • revert to old font
  • re-position barn
  • get text off his face
  • make a coverline yellow
  • move main cover line to stand out
  • get some continuity with fonts

Contents Page –

  • add a pic of barn maybe
  • get alignment back
  • 3 pictures of the same people is weird
  • add some blue, orange or grey
  • sort the fonts
  • make sure on the pug
  • align text with photo border
  • contents page = page 3

Double Page Spread –

  • need a stand first
  • unusual to read across
  • different fonts?

Overall a bit all over the place, confusing, needs some consistencies and conventions.


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