Social Media Page Draft 2

Above is a screencastify of our first draft done by our teacher. He speaks about the positives and also the things we need to target and improve.

Our targets for improvement are –

  • Make a post about a charitable cause, preferably mental health as we can link to out song well
  • Needs more posts (at least 10)
  • Add links in the post so the audience knows where to purchase the tickets/merchandise from
  • Provide more information on our posts about what we’re posting
  • Look at real artists posts for some inspiration

Social Media Page Draft 1

Above is my social media page. This is my first draft and only the start.

I feel like this is a good start and is linked well to the criteria we need to meet for a successful page.

Design Coherence –

Similar generic conventions to our digipack and music video like the colour and fonts. Obviously the font on the Vogue cover is different but that is because it is their magazine and they always use that font.

Synergy –

We have intergrated synergy into our page with our collaboration with Vogue, however we are looking to make another post using some synergy.

Timeline –

There is a timeline so far I feel as their is first a teaser of the video, and then she we speak on a tour so I feel as if currently their is a rough timeline. However we may need to make this somewhat clearer.

Cross Media Convergence –

So far we have not done any cross media convergence so we will need to look into doing this.

Promotion of Live Events –

We have promoted our live tour which is a live event which is useful and information for our audiences uses and gratifications.

A Call to Action –

So far we haven’t done this however we will get this done when we release the album and music video.

Ordinary/Extraordinary –

So far we have mainly done marketing work however we will get a post in with some of the stars real personality.

Interaction/Engagement –

We haven’ touched on this as of yet however we plan to further down the line, most likely once we have announced the release of the album or music video.

Sell Physical Copies –

Haven’t as of yet touched on the selling of physical copies so we will have to do this down the line.

Issues & Charities –

we haven’t posted anything yet in regards to charities or issues however we are making a post to touch on the both of them in regards to mental health which will be posted soon.

Timeline & Marketing Ideas

Above is a timeline of how we intend for our social media page to be set up. As you can see we have 9 posts, which is 3 rows of posts. This covers a screen. Having this timeline set out gives us a rough plan which we can follow to ensure everyone in the group is on the same wavelength. As well as this it makes sure their is structure to the page and it’s no all just thrown together in a hurry.

In an attempt to combat the covid-19 pandemic Charli XCX announced on her Instagram that she was going to do a zoom call with 1,000 fans! This was in an attempt to promote and market her album. On the zoom she announced the dates, and title and the project entirely. She also brought in special guests to keep the calls exciting. As well as a very good marketing idea this also engages her audiences uses and gratifications for social interaction, which is another clever and effective element this provided.

A very intelligent and more modern way of marketing is seen in the way Trevor Daniel promoted his recent hit ‘Falling’.  What he did was create a trend on TikTok, a very popular app with around 1 billion users. Knowing this would catch on as many trends do on TikTok and that a lot of people would notice the song, taking an interest to it. Very clever and effective move in the modern world.

In this marketing idea, a popular and well known UK rap artist who goes by the name of M Huncho launched a campaign as if he was going for the London Mayor, as it was at the time of election. This publicity stunt which is seen as a guerilla style of marketing attracted a lot of attention from a variety of news outlets, gaining himself a lot of attention from a wider audience. As well as this what made the stunt even more confusing and baffling to fans was the fact that M Huncho never revealed his true identity, and has never revealed his face from behind the mask. This is partly due to the fact he wants his personal life to be private and free, but mainly because he has various charges awaiting him according to rumors and some of the stuff he talks about within his music about his days as a drug dealer could get him into a lot of trouble. As well as this, the icing on the cake was that he eventually released an album after all this commotion called ‘Huncho For Mayor’, so as you can guess his stunt gained this a lot of publicity and it gained a massive amount more in first week streams than  his previous album ‘Utopia’


Social Media Page Terminology

Above are a few slides I’ve put together where I have annotated of Billie Eilish’s instagram page. I have spoke about how she fulfil’s her audiences uses and gratifications and the different ways she does it, via information, entertainment or social interaction. Also whether she does this for marketing, branding or just for fun. I have also pointed out the formal and technical conventions of social media terminology she uses across her page, whether this is on her posts or just on her profile.