Social Media Page Draft 1 self assessment

What we can improve/add from teacher feedback…

  • Add more content (posts)
  • Caption stories to explain what is going on
  • When showing cross media convergence explain what platforms
  • Add the music video
  • Add the digipak images
  • Show the stars appearances to promote his music elsewhere – premier, radio etc…

Self feedback…

  • Content – Some additional teasers through posts and stories to promote the products. Using gifs to promote the D’yer wanna be a spaceman single.
  • Synergy – Add a merchandise store that is conventional to the audience.
  • Timeline – There is a sense of build up towards the release of the album done through teaser promotion images and stories.
  • Cross media convergence – Through a post the star has released his single and states that “its available on all platforms”
  • Promotion of live events – There is a post and a story showing his audience that he will performing at “Camden Calls”
  • A call to action –  There are links to ticket sales where the star will make a percentage as well as streaming platforms.
  • Ordinary/Extraordinary – There is an insight into the ordinary life of the star as we see in his first post of his outfit that he is showing off in his home surroundings, another aspect showing that the star is relatable and ordinary is shown in the story part of the page as he shares posts regarding mental health and politics.
  • Interaction/Engagement- The star will need to interact with fans in the comments as well as announcing livestreams.
  • Sell physical copies – Vinyls are very conventional to this genre
  • Issues & Charities – The star has gained a companioned image as shown though stories on the page sharing posts regarding mental health and politics, this also engages the audience as they may have the same beliefs.

Overall targets…

  • Add more engaging content
  • More promotion
  • Add more ways for the audience to interact


Digipak Shoot Evaluation

Overall, the shoot went very well as we created all of the shots we were hoping to get as well as getting a wide variety, we got mid shots, long shots, closeups and extreme close ups as well as trying high angles and low angles. We have many images to choose from so we are going to adapt a few in photoshop and indesign to see what we this is the most visually pleasing.

Video narrative story/shot sheets

Above is the story board i have created showing how the narrative will weave into the music video as well as what type of shots to do. The conventions of Britpop mainly show no narrative however to make our video more interesting we have decided to add narrative. Story boards are very useful in productions as they highlight key scenes and what to do when shooting to give the best outcome as well as being organised, storyboards can also give inspiration for other ideas.

Shoot 2 Reflection (Narrative)

During the second shoot for our music video we shot some narrative for our music video to go along with the performance clips that we already had. We used a basic white studio setting so that our performer would stand out during these clips. In this narrative we wanted the performance star to act child like and play with some childlike toys. These shots have no lip syncing in them as we would want to put them in to mix up the ratio of performance based shots and narrative to make the video more interesting for the audience. Overall the shoot went well have we have a variety of shots to work with and edit into our video, however we would still like to add something else maybe some more narrative of our performer in a spacesuit to spice the video up a bit more.

Branding Moodboard

Made with Padlet
Above is a mood board created on padlet that we will use as help and inspiration to create our products. Moodboards are very useful throughout creative processes as it helps us keep on track of what probs, colour scheme, costumes, key angles and what shots to use. This collection of images will help throughout the creative process of the digipak as we will have a clear way to produce a product for our target audience.

Timeline and marketing ideas

Above is a mock marketing campaign made to understand what order and what type of posts will be created on the social media page for my star. The idea of a social media page is so that the audience can react and interact with the star, this also links to Richard Dyer’s Paradox of the star as with the mixture of the posts in this timeline, the mixture of the posts show how the star is ordinary, this is the posts that link with the starts personal life as there is a post which shows an image of the star visiting his childhood home. However in contrast there are posts that shows the star in an extraordinary aspect, these posts show the music video and mostly the BTS as this shows the star in an aspect of life that many of the audience members wouldn’t be able to relate with.

Music Video Draft 2

This is the second draft of our music video, this draft shows the narrative that we’ve added however, this video needs to be worked on a lot more and here are some of our targets and what went well in the video…

What went well in our video…

  • More varied shots were added
  • Applied narrative shots
  • Developed our editing skills

What we need to change and work on…

  • More footage needs to be filmed
  • Setting change to gather more narrative etc
  • Add effects and more contrast of editing
  • More varied camera angles and shots need to be used


Teacher development targets…

  • More connection to the star through different shots, close ups needed to show intimacy
  • Play with the colours in the studio shots to make them more interesting
  • More edit to the beat – more pace in the edit
  • More of the narrative spaceman

Below is the screencastify of improvements from the teacher…

Digipak Draft 2

Targets for improvement…

  • The title needs to either be centered or justified to the right
  • Add in the name of the star
  • The image on the front pane needs to be adapted as it is stretched
  • The positioning font and colour of the tracks on the back pane need to be adapted as they dont work well
  • The copyright can be made smaller

Below is a screencastify done by my teacher including feedback…