Hello Media Studies!

I have always had an interest in the media – I would come home from primary school and immediately switch on the TV, I’d read everything I could get my hands on, I’d wake up early to listen to the radio for 2 hours before school. While the way I consume media has changed since then, the fact that I consume as much media as possible hasn’t, and that’s why I have a particular interest in this subject: I want to learn about what has always been an integral part of my life.

On this course, I am hoping to study a manner of skills surrounding consumption and production of Media. One aspect which I am particularly looking forward to learning is video editing, as I am interested in learning how to use software to create an end product which I can feel proud of. I’m also excited to learn a bit about cinematography, as I have always been intrigued to know how much work is put into making one shot as aesthetically pleasing as possible.

A skill that I already have is photo editing, and, since i was 12 years old, I have enjoyed utilizing various skills and softwares to make edits of some of my favourite media. However, I have little experience in Photoshop, and, as it’s one of the most prominent editorial softwares, I would like to improve on my skills over the course of the following years.

Finally, I think that the skills I will learn from Media Studies will be transferable to my life, as not only will the course aid me in improving my technological skills, it will potentially aid me in my future career, as I am interested in pursuing a career in the Media, possibly in journalism. I feel the course will aid me in my understanding of how the Media works, as I will be dismantling everything that goes into successful examples, and that it will also help me to become more skilled at managing my time efficiently. Finally, I hope that the course will create more creative opportunities for me, as over the years I’ve began to lose touch with my creative side, and it’s a passion that I’d love to re-kindle.

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