Media Ecology

The overall principle of Media Ecology states that all components of the media are interlinked, and depend on each other in order to succeed. The 8 main aspects of Media Ecology are:

  1. Money
  2. Institutions
  3. Audience
  4. Government
  5. Creators
  6. Distribution
  7. Social Media
  8. Technology

In my opinion, the idea that every one of these components is necessary is a valid reflection of how the media works, as, with deeper research into each of the connections, it becomes highly apparent that they all need each other to work effectively, and are all contributors into how and what the receiver will consume.

The component that my partner and I investigated was the importance of audience, and our thoughts are detailed in the image of our mind-map below.

Mindmap: Audience role in Media Ecology


Media Ecology Mindmaps: How other components play their roles in Media Ecology

In order to create my magazine, I will utilize the concept of Media Ecology in order to appeal to my audience, as if the content doesn’t match the expectations of the target audience, the magazine would lose engagement, as well as profit. I will also consider all other components of the media ecology, and while every aspect is important to its success, I feel these key components are the most relevant alongside the consideration of the audience: money, as without it the magazine would unlikely be able to go into print, institutions, as they will likely be the ones producing and publishing the magazine, and distribution, because without it the audience would be unable to receive the magazine at all.

In conclusion, I must remember that all components are deeply important in the media, and that it is vital that I consider all aspects of Media Ecology in order to be successful with this task.

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