So… I’m a Media Prosumer

Blumler and Katz’s theory outlines that people who are consuming media typically do so to fulfill a certain need. These needs fall into four categories:

  • Entertainment/Diversion – Escapism, aesthetic enjoyment, filling time
  • Social Interaction – Basis for relationships, identification with others
  • Personal Identity – Reaffirmation of behavior, values, sense of self etc
  • Information/Surveillance – Education and advice

In order to display Blumler an Katz’s Uses and Gratification theory, I created a collage of some of the media that I enjoy consuming.

Media Prosumer Collage

After creating this collage, I then considered which subcategories of Blumler and Katz’s theory that the media I consume tends to fall under.

I found that for personal identity, I tended to gravitate more towards music, such as dodie, girl in red, Frank Hamilton and Cavetown, as the lyrics tend to be on subject matters which I can relate to and identify with.

For social interaction, I found I gravitated more towards TV shows and movies, as I often begin watching based on recommendation or when with others. For example, Brooklyn 99 and The Umbrella Academy were both shows that my friends watched and recommended, and I watched Sinister, Orphan and Rocky Horror when with others, which then became topics of conversation and bonding, as well as things that I enjoyed personally.

Finally, I found that every item in my collage related to entertainment and diversion, as when I seek media, it’s mostly for escapism or aesthetic enjoyment.

My media collage fits Blumler and Katz’s theory relatively well, as while I do also consume informative media, it’s not generally something that I actively seek out in order to fulfill a need. However, on the other three criteria, my collage is a strong example of the desire for fulfillment from the media, with many of the items even  fulfilling multiple criteria at once.

With this in mind, I need to consider the way in which Blumler and Katz’s theory can impact the way in which I will produce my music magazine. In order to create an effective magazine, I will try to cover every area outlined in the theory in order to create as successful a text as possible – a text which is entertaining, a potential topic of conversation, relatable, and informative.

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