Genre: Pop Music

Name: Chartz 

Word cloud: An image displaying the ideology of pop.

Ideology – aim to appeal to a broader audience ins†ead of specific subcultures. As “pop” means “a piece of music having a popular appeal”. Appealing to a younger target audience associated with cheesy and straightforward songs. A characteristic with pop music is the idea that the production, recording and technology are more important on the record than life. It involves nr editing and sound techniques which are essential for pop records. A lot of pop music starting with no intentional meaning, become meaningful after being released to the public as everyone has a different perception and reaction to the song.

Pop music is associated with feminism, whereas genres such as rock seem very masculine. 

Pop music changes all the time, depending on exactly what style of music is getting the most coverage and good reception at the time. Stereotypically, people who enjoy listening to pop music have a very fashionable and up to date image because they are interested in new trends of clothing and styles, just as they are interested in the new trends of music. Pop music fans generally become engaged in anything that is current and up-to-date.

Mission Statement: Chartz provides readers with the chance to keep up to date with the latest charts and artists that interest them. We also strive to engage our readers with the magazine by doing so we will create a sense of belonging and interest.