I have chosen my favourite music video from former students of The Grammar School.

I liked this video as it conveys two sides to a story. One side portrayed by the males star image provides a festival vibe which is very colourful and upbeat as if he was in a dream but then realizes it’s not real. Whereas the female character in the wedding dress at a church represents the beautiful and elegant side and that is why he dreams about her. I like how the video is different from the shots they captured with different angles and the song choice to go with their narrative.

What made it such a good video is the technical conventions used such as lip syncing and how they knew the song very well which made the video more realistic and professional, they edited the different scenes to the beat such as the change of the green screen and inversion of colours.

The performance to narrative ratio being 90:10  which amplifies the narrative and the lyrics. Furthermore the video has been styled in a young, vibrant way with the mise-en-scene focusing on bright colours and festival props and locations which makes the stars seem friendly and real.

Therefore their ordinary star image is conveyed yet they are extraordinary with their talent and skills at singing and dancing as they are very confident and used to the camera. Also the setting with the shopping trolley, the rails and location they have chosen are very interesting and add a sense of being rebellious and free which is quite inspiring and I feel that helps the video stand out.