Evaluation Question 4- How Did You Use Media Technologies In The Construction and Research, Planning and Evaluation Stage?

Please click on the image to view my entire pinterest board.

Here, we had to complete a moodboard of media technologies that we used throughout the creation of our products on the website ‘Pinterest’. We simply had to reflect on specific moments where each technology enabled us to efficiently and effectively create our project. Therefore, we spoke of which stage we used each element and how it was of use to us. In this task, we included things like the computer, tri-pod and camera.

From this, we learnt how important it was to reflect on the technology we had used. This aided us to discover what ways it actually helped us.



Evaluation Question 3- What Have You Learned From Your Audience Feedback?


For this evaluation question, we completed a voice thread where we collectively spoke about all of the feedback we have received over the entirety of our project.  We simply spoke about how we carried our each set, the overall feedback, the targets and then completed this with a reflective evaluation of what we had learnt and therefore changed as a result of this. Furthermore, this enabled us to see the clear process of how we had gradually improved our products and therefore making it as conventional to the genre and star image as possible. Therefore, we were able to ensure we included the correct repertoire of elements, perfecting our overall metanarrative. So, this helped us to really connect with our preferred target audience, allowing them to experience the predictable pleasure expected.

Here, we learnt just how important it is to gather the necessary feedback at each stage of the production process. This ensured that we were able to notice and improve on elements that we may have missed otherwise. It is also enabled us to great products which are target audience found visually appealing, leading to greater success for our project. Therefore, from this task we were able to pick apart the elements our audience would decode, allowing us to detect what factors of our products made them most successful.

Evaluation Question 2- How Effective Is The Combination Of Your Main Product and Ancillary Texts?

To answer this question, we completed a directors commentary which consisted of precisely six questions. For this task we made a short video, which displayed our questions, music video, digipak and finally our advert. We spoke about how our products represented our star’s metanarrative and their specific genre. Moreover, we also thoroughly discussed how certain conventions tied the whole project together. Due to this, we also went on to discuss whether our products met the expectations and needs of our target audience. Stating whether we thought they would receive the predictable pleasure that we are somewhat expecting upon consuming our product. Furthermore, overall we discussed all the important elements which we believe are very significant. These particular factors include; genre, star image, audience, media language and finally narrative.

As a result of answering this question, I have learnt just how important it is to release the significance of having a clear link between all your products. This makes the performer and their work recognisable, making a much more success product overall. Furthermore, this will ensure that the audience is satisfied with the product they receive and therefore consume the piece of work which they were expecting. By conforming to the appropriate conventions and factors of the particular genre and star image,pleasing the audience should be fairly straight-forward.

Evaluation Question 1- In What Ways Does Your Media Product, Use, Develop Or Challenge Forms and Conventions Of Real Media Products?

Please click on the image above to view my entire music video analysis.

Please click on the image to view the entire analysis.

For this particular question, I had to compare the work of my final products to those of a professional artist. Firstly, I had to compare my music video to a series of other indie-pop music videos, here I spoke about elements and conventions that were evident in each video. Here, I mentioned aspects like narrative theme, images, lighting/ colour and editing. Throughout this task, I spoke about similarities between the videos and how this made my product much more conventional to the selected genre (indie-pop). For the second section of this evaluation question, I decided to chose the indie-pop star’s Gabrielle Aplin’s ‘english rain’ for my comparison to my very own products. This is simply because they are of the same genre and therefore key conventions would be very similar for both. I looked at elements like the colour palette, images used and font, this enabled me to really pin-point what made my product conventional the this particular genre. I also did the same task with my advert, this enabled me to once again analyse what elements aligned with the conventions and which perhaps challenged it.

Furthermore, here I learnt just how important it is to make sure particular conventions are completed to provide a product that will appeal to the target audience. By making these elements similar to that of the genre you are portraying you will most definitely create a product that will attract your target audience, thus making the content produced a lot more successful.

Print Production Draft 3- Digipak and Advert

Upon reviewing the print products, it was somewhat evident that the process of scanning clearly decreased the quality of our images dramatically. The difference in image quality was extremely evident when comparing the front and inside left panel to that of the back and inside right panel. Therefore, instead of hand- drawing our sketched outlines and scanning in the final product, I decided it would probably result in a better product if this process were to be completed over photoshop. By using the ‘paintbrush’ tool and the colour white, I was able to achieve the sketched look we were hoping for. This resulted in a much more clear, professional product that appeared to be in much better quality than our previous print products. Above are the results we received upon experimenting with the use of this programme.

From this, I learnt how important it is to reflect back on my work. This allowed me to really focus on the elements which perhaps decreased the professional look of our project overall. With the use of experimentation, I was able to complete print products which I was much more happy with. Furthermore, I believe this more clean cut, authentic look would appeal to our target audience a lot more, creating a more successful product.

Feedback and Targets Draft 2- Digipak and Advert


Here, we decided to shoot several vines to capture the necessary feedback for our second draft of the advert. We gathered a number of our peers to complete a 3-6 second video where they spoke about an element which worked well or one which should either be changed or improved on. We believed that this would be an effective way to collect criticism for our draft two. This is simply because we felt this was an effective, quick and precise way to gather the exact feedback we needed in order to quickly and efficiently improve our product to the next level. We listened to all the feedback we received and started to immediately work on improving our product to what our audience suggested, therefore making it much more appealing and interesting for them.
By completing this task, we learnt just how necessary it is to take on the constructive criticism of our peers. This is imply because they are aware of what elements need to be in place in order to meet the criteria necessary. Moreover, they also know which conventions should appear in order to appeal to the target audience and represent the artist successfully.


  • Re- draw the sketched outline of the performer, perhaps do this in a different medium.
  • Experiment with drawing the red part of the sound wave in the digipak, this would show more continuity between the panels.

Print Production Draft 2- Digipak and Advert

Please click on the image to view our digipak in more detail.

Please click on the image to see our advert in more detail.

Above, you can see that we now have both of our second drafts for the advert and digipak. After receiving feedback for both products, we went back to the production stage and perfected our projects by taking on board the feedback we had received from our audience. This enabled us to really get across our artist’s star image and therefore provide the audience with the products they are expecting from the particular genre we are advertising. We were able to really perfect the authentic and simplistic image we were trying to connect with our artist and therefore we believe these second drafts really depict this. By focusing on our previous target and adjusting a few minor elements, we were able to include all of the necessary conventions to both the product and the genre. Therefore we feel these products are completely appropriate to the task we were set.

We fully believe that we have learnt just how important it is to revise construction criticism on your work who in the production process. this has most definitely aided us to really create products that are to the best of our ability and furthermore wok well with the star image we are displaying throughout the project.We have also learnt how important it is to make visual resemblance between the advert and the digipak. This ensures that the audience are aware it is all part of the same album and therefore an obvious connection can be made.

Advert Feedback and Targets- Draft 1


Please click on the image to view all of the feedback forms.

We believed it would be appropriate to collect written criticism of our advert at this stage. Therefore, we thought that receiving this from our peers would work out to be the best option in this situation. Some of the questions that the form asked the individual to answer we things like; whether the shots were well composed, if ICT had been skillfully used and if photoshop actually helps to enhance the pictures. Moreover, we also felt this would be a good way to gather feedback on our first draft, as it was a clear and simple way to evaluate whether or not we has met the criteria necessary to make a good product. Due to this, once again we requested that our peers filled the form in to the best of their ability. This was in order for us to achieve and receive the criticism necessary to continue to move our product forward.

From this task, we are now much more aware of how important it is to gather constructive criticism throughout the production stage. This is due to the fact, that it will most definitely ensure that we know the conventions that do not really work and those which make the advert look even more professional. Therefore this will help to improve the product before we eventually decide to finalise it.


  • Ensure that all of the text is visible, so it can be easily read on the advert.
  • Edit the image more, perhaps experiment with more colour correction to improve the visual look of the image.
  • Make sure to improve the quality of the advert as a whole to gain a much more professional look.

Advert Draft 1


Please click on the image to view it in more detail.

We created the first draft of our advert here. With the use of our digipak front cover, we were able to create the necessary, appropriate advert that clearly linked to our project as a whole. We will shortly be gathering written feedback on how we can visually improve our advert in order to directly connect with our chosen audience. This will also help us to much more accurately portray our star and his image through something simple like ur advert. By adjusting a few elements of our advert after feedback, we will ensure that this section fully connects to the entirety of our project.

Here, we have learnt just how crucial it is to have a mock up of what we hoped our advert would look like. This helped us throughout this production stage, as we were able to continuously refer to this and therefore create the advert a to more efficiently and effectively. It ensured that we saved a mass amount of time in this process and so we were able to really refine and perfect our advert to suit the star image we were hoping to achieve.

Advert Mock Up


Please click on the image to view our advert in more detail.

For this task, we had to sketch a rough draft of what we hope our advert will look like. We took inspiration from our digipak and therefore it is evident that we have used the same lay our for our advert. This will ensure that the audience are aware it is part of the same project and therefore all sections of the task will easily be connected wit one another visually. We have also been sure to include the general conventions of an advert, for example elements like the image, artist name, album title, star rating, company logo and release date are all displayed clearly on our advert. Moreover, we have also ensured that we have remained conventional to our artists star image and genre. We did this by keeping an authentic, simplistic feel to the appearance of the advert.

From this, we leant just how important it is to have a clear plan of what our product should look like before we have entered the production stage. This enabled us to see what things worked well and what perhaps didn’t work so well. Therefore, ultimately, this aided us to save time and create our product effectively without wasting so much time.