Music Video Draft 2

Below is our draft two of our music video. It now includes both our performance and narrative shoot.

What went well:

  • We are now very happy with our lip syncing. The timings are working very well and it looks as though our star is really singing.
  • We have parallel edited our narrative and performance so that there is a good mix of both throughout.
  • You can clearly see the message that we are trying to tell because of this cross cutting and you can see the progression of our star putting on the makeup and the girls taking it off as the music video moves on.

What we need to do:

  • We need to add filters to our music video to add to the full make up look and Instagram effect that we aim to achieve. For the performance side, the filter will be made more as the music video progresses to show how stars have to present themselves in a certain way. For the narrative side, the beginning will be where the filter is strongest and the end will be the most normal to show how we shouldn’t have to hide behind make up and hair to be happy.
  • We need to add transitions to make the cuts between clips smoother and more flowing. For example there is a section where we show Anya and Chloe from their full makeup look to their complete natural state so we will add a transition here to blend these two clips together to show the transition from one extreme to the other.

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