Technical Camera Terms

The features of a camera; learning the different shutter speeds. Fast shutter speeds are used within photography and the media for freeze motion pictures whereas slow shutter speeds are used for low light pictures (nighttime photographs). The aperture in the camera is a small hole inside the lens, this small hole allows light to pass through the camera, therefore the bigger the hole the more light that is able to pass through. With this knowledge of the two features, we know now how they both will create a good photo.   An example of the both is, a fast shutter speed with be necessary when taking pictures of someone moving (doing an action) so you can capture each movement as quickly as possible. On the other hand, if you were taking a picture of a flower, the aperture will be an important thing to consider as you will need to ensure that the lighting, angle and focus is correct to display it properly.

Throughout my photo shoot I had to ensure I used a variety of all the camera angles we have be taught about recently. The two main components of the shots of angle include Long shot, Close up and in further depth of them two include extra close up, extra long shot, medium close up etc. Each of these have a meaning and assist in portraying a story through the frame (if there is one) Within a shot there will most likely be a deeper meaning.

The variety of all kinds of shots are taken and you can clearly see them on my contact sheet. The narrative of each of my photos represent happiness and sadness along with what you can see in the background in many long shots. The distance is a key feature in making this shoot efficient. My close up shots don’t show a wider background so can only see what is directly behind my model. In some situations this may create intensity in further knowledge to what is going on.

Although my pictures aren’t just telling a story, within each photo there is a narrative. Each one is selling an image and as a whole giving off a vibe into which the audience may get from it. Therefore the narrative is portrayed through this.


My image that uses mise-en-scene to communicate meaning


Made with Padlet

This task consisted of me creating a mood board containing any image of person, symbol or object associated with a rapper. This was to influence what would be included when making my music magazine. It also related to Mis en scene which when translated to English means  everything on the scene. As a media producer it is important that you make sure you have everything on scene that will make it all come together, all aspects considered.

please click on photo to view all

Following on from the creation of our rapper mood board in groups we had to allocate one member to dress up as a rapper and then have a photo shoot. With this we had to make sure we included all features of CLAMPS (costume, lighting, actors, makeup, props and setting) so that our photo shoot had the right aspects to be successful in portraying the right thing.

After we had completed the photos we the added post it notes with adjectives on to the different people dressed up, using words that we thought best described them and their outfit. This is a picture of our rapper with the words that describe the character.

These were useful as it was a reassurance that the conventions of the style of our rapper was suitable with the genre. As a result of this my Music Magazine will be successful as I will know what to add from the feedback given previously.



Print Media That Communicates Meaning

In this task I was taught how everything is shown for a reason and to represent something in the media. For example, in the Ariana Grande poster, Ariana is wearing a nude outfit to not show much attention to what she is wearing but for people to pay attention to the reasoning for this poster, the sweetener tour that she is going on. On order for me to talk and understand about all these things I had to analyse ‘mis en scene’ and thought about how every aspects has a meaning in this specific poster. This information will help me to create my music magazine as:

  • I will be able to make sure my model has the right body language and costuming/makeup. With this all in mind I will be able to portray the right vibe for what my music magazine will present.
  • From my leaning of the theory Blumler & Katz I will be able to add the 4 features which make up that theory to my music magazine so I will be to suit all audience of the media.
  • I will use the right colours and typeface to give the right vibe for my Music Magazine and present the write message for it.

With all of these considered my final product should hopefully be successful in conveying the right message i’m trying to put across for the media.


So…I’m a Media prosumer

Throughout the world, media is used in many different ways. I made a collage of all the media I consume and prosume. It contains things I use on a daily basis like social media such as snapchat and instagram where I prosume and consume many things and TV apps such as netflix where I consume many different programmes and movies.

In this we task of creating the collage studied we studied a theory; Blumler & Katz which displays the 4 different forms of media and what it presents to us and why we enjoy media as an audience.

  • Entertainment/diversion
  • Social interaction
  • Personal Identity
  • Information/Surveillance

This collage and theory allow me to categorise the different types of media I use and furthermore analyse how I use then. For example I watch reality TV shows not only for my entertainment but for my social interaction. Shows like Love Island create an interaction between me and my friends about the previous episodes.

With all these features considered my magazine will be influenced because it will help me with my own production. It will be a resource for me to consider the 4 different forms of media and how I can present it within to display interest into my audience.

The Media Ecology. Map of concepts and mediascape

Without one of the eight different components of the media ecology, none of it will work. Each things makes it up and they support each other in order to be right. My poster analyses the influence of audience on the seven components of media ecology.

The three main influencers on audience I believe is institutions, creators and distribution.

  • Institutions are companies such as BBC, Sky and Google. They provide a platform for people to watch what creators make, without the institutions the audience will have nothing to watch it on.
  • Creators are the people who create the media and without them the audience will have nothing to watch.
  • Distribution is heavily influenced by the audience because without them there would be no purpose for it. Distribution is platforms like cinemas, radio and TV.

I created a lego construction of a petrol station to represent a form of ecology. It represented some different aspects of what a petrol station will include in order to work because without some things as a whole it wouldn’t work for health and safety reasons etc.

When creating my magazineI will be mindful of some specific features like the audience age range. The media ecology will fit into this because without a suitable audience then the company will make no profit with no audience buying into it and therefore there would be no point in making it.


All these posters are collective ideas about media ecology and how it works. Within these all aspects have been highlighted and all of them link together.

So… Hello Media Studies

  • In Media studies I am hoping to learn not just skills in working media but the theory side to it, learning the how people use it in the wider world and the reasons why it is produced. On the more practical side to it i’m excited to be learning how to produce media within the course as it is something I am really interested in- being creative.
  • The skills in media which I already have are basic, I am able to communicate within social media so can interact with my friends, family and peers and furthermore my future colleagues.
  • The skills which I will learn in media studies will benefit me in my paths through the future because in modern day technology is used widely nowadays in every kind of work. With the extra knowledge I have from taking this A level my understanding will be wider. The transferrable skills like communication will allow me to speak to future coworkers effectively.

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