November 10

Previous Students’ Work


I’ll be using other peoples thrillers to help me gather ideas and comparing them against the success criteria I’m going to be using the thriller “MEGAN” as my example

Holding the shot steady- I would give this piece a level 4 due to the fact every shot it is still, even with every angle used the shots that are shown are sturdy and well thought out. When tilting the camera is still steady and you can tell the difference between movement and shots.

Framing a shot- within the thriller, the variety of shots really helps contribute to the tension, this thriller uses particularly good depth of field when outside the shot of her hanging up washing has the antagonist in the background by using that depth of field it draws the viewer in and want to know more, I would give it an upper level 4.

A variety of shot distances- throughout the thriller, there are many camera distances used, I feel they could have used a larger variety as most of the thriller was shot in close up, mid-close-up and mid shot. I feel they could have made use of long shots and captured more of the scene to help explain the narrative I would give this a lower level 4.

Appropriate to task- Throughout the thriller, it features the key iconography so as the viewer we can infer the genre, I feel with the use of blood, creepy non-diegetic sound, and the repetition of paranoid moments its shows the true repertoire of elements of a thriller. I would give this an upper level 4.

Mise-En-Scene selection- The whole thriller is packed with M-E-S, The use of normal house objects makes us feel as if the happenings could happen to us, the use of spilt pills helps us understand her mentality throughout, every prop was well thought out and put to good use. I would give this an upper level 4.

Editing for meaning- The use of flashback type segments and random bloody hands really help to create the key features that appear in a thriller, the editing is continuous and never breaks I would give this and upper level 4.

Shot transitions- shot transitions are well thought out and help to affect the audience as much as possible, most transitions are jump cuts, this to the audience is very jarring, tying in with the key elements of a thriller. I would give it a lower level 4.

Sound with images- sound within this thriller works really well, throughout the thriller, there is only non-diegetic sound this a weakness as it is harder to understand narrative, however, the sound works really well, the only diegetic sound, in the end, I feel they could have used more diverse sound. I would give this a lower level 4.

Using titles- the use of titles used really reflects the true thriller genre, the use of one blood-stained letter and the rest white, this connotes themes such as innocence. I would give this an upper level 4 .

Posted November 10, 2016 by alexlemaitre in category Uncategorized

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