Branding and Mission Statement

To create a great work of media, you must have a passion for it. So when deciding which genre of music I should choose for my music magazine I decided to go with a genre that I have a passion for and interest in. For this, the first genre that came to my mind was jazz. This music magazine will also need a name so I decided on The Jazz Hustle.

"Jazz Word Cloud"
Click on the link above to see this word cloud at WordItOut. You may also view it on this website if you enable JavaScript (see your web browser settings).

Hustle attracts people who love all things Jazz, from the musicians to the positive, fun vibes. Our magazine has paved the way forward for many jazz lovers, young and old, in pursuit of good music from any era. When new and hot information is coming out, trust us to be the first to report on it as well as our exculsive interviews with top musicians. If you want to know anything about jazz, our magazine is the one stop shop.

In future I will have to think about my branding and mission statement when creating a product in my future career in order sell my USP (Unique Selling Point) accurate enough for my consumers to be properly informed on what genre / news we cover and what our goal is so they can hopefully become repeated customers and have our magazine as a part of their uses and gratification.


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