Question 4: How did you integrate technologies (software, hardware and online) in this project?



Media Ecology

Media Ecology refers to the several aspects of media that interlink together to create the media we see from day to day. There are several aspects to this eco-system, some of these include:

  • Money
  • Government
  • Institutes
  • Social Media
  • Creators
  • Technology
  • Distribution

All of these aspects need each other to work properly and the media would fail if any of these aspects failed. For example, the distributors need the creators in order to distribute their work and the creators need the distributors in order to have their work seen by a wider audience. Then this media will have a wider influence over people and can have some effect on their understanding, beliefs, perception & values.

This has made me think about what I will need in the future in order to fund, create and distribute my media and how each aspect has equal importance.

My Media Diet

Everybody has a media diet of some kind. It may contain a wide variety of media forms or only one or two however it will always be present.

I’ve put mine onto a pictoral collage where a pictures size is how much I like / use it. I have annotated each of the images to show what they relate to regarding to Blumler and Katz theory of media and how everyone uses different media forms for different purposes. These can be seperated into four main catagories being:

  • Entertainment – E
  • Personal Identity – PI
  • Social Interaction – SI
  • Education & Information – I

This has made me put into perspective how I use media on a day to day basis in terms of what I enjoy and what I use most often, mainly being social media such as YouTube and TikTok, especially on social media I am a prosumer rather than a consumer. This has also made me think about what I use media for as I mainly use media for Entertainment purposes but I don’t tend to use it to reinforce my Personal Identity.

In future I may need to think about how I use media and that I should try using more media platforms for different purposes such as reinforcing my Personal Identity or for Education & Information. I should also think about how this could effect things like my music magazines production and how it could be marketed to different people by taking advantage of those more popular media platforms.