Star Image – Theirs VS Mine

In order to get me thinking about what my star should look like & act like, I decided to study Kenny G as he is one of the most famous Jazz artists out there. Kenny G’s star image is that of someone that is very suave, down-to-earth and fun. He is portryed as someone that is fairly ordinary, yet in an extraordinary position so he uses his time at the top to have fun, like any regular person would. He is also portrayed as someone who is dedicated to & spends the majority of their time honing their craft, in his case it’s his music with the saxophone. This repertoire of elements builds Kenny G’s star image that has been built by not only himself, but the people around him such as his managers.

My star would come across as very fun, casual and artistic but also very cool and chilled out. These connotations would come from their pose and costume. They would have a fairly conventional costume, mainly being a suit with the top button undone along with some sunglasses and a fedora to top off the look. This costume would also connote him being a musician that works in jazz clubs which would further connote him being down-to-earth and fairly ordinary.

In future I will try and think about other stars of the same genre when creating the image for my star so I can more accurately represent my genre by using the repertoire of elements borrowed from several other stars whilst also keeping things fresh and adding my own twist to the formula so my stars image will stand out but also fit in within the conventions of the genre.

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