Final Pitch to Teacher

In order to make sure our idea works, we made a full slideshow of all of our ideas for the music video (as seen in a previous post) and then pitched that to our teacher to see what he thought of it and what tips / ideas he may have for it. This pitch, as well as some bullet points based on the positive and negative bits of feedback can be seen below:



  • The band being constantly present, yet invisible to the characters can add variety to the shots that we take, as well as act as a great way to blend the performance and the narrative.
  • The song is short which means it’ll be easier to edit as there is less time to fill out with random shots.


  • The shoot can only be shot after school as shooting during the school day would mean it’s too busy to do any work
  • There isn’t enough time to establish the relationship between the main character and the teacher which means there’ll be little impact when the pay off does happen.
  • Beating up the teacher is hard to choreograph, shoot and may be a health and safety issue so we may need to find a way to work around that to both give that satisfying feeling of breaking free from that nightmare of a detention, whilst also having a solid shot that doesn’t look forced.

Thinking forward, I will take on these criticisms to try and further develop my idea so that it can end up being the best video that I can make to the best of my ability. In particular, I will expand upon the idea of the band as omnipresent spectators to the events of the narrative by trying to make them appear throughout the key narrative events.

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