Shoot 1 Reflection

Above are some pictures taken from our performance shoot (shoot 1)

Things that went well:

  • Shots taken of the band from a variety of angles and distances
  • All performers had suitable costumes that fit the conventions of the genre.
  • Majority of shots taken were in focus and framed well
  • All shots had good lighting on the performers
  • More advanced camera techniques such as Dollys and Pans were used

Things to improve:

  • Certain shots, particularly those of the bassist, are quite blurry meaning they may need to be reshot
  • The dolly focused too much on the band, leading to a worse transition to the next room
  • When the teacher and the student are arguing, they were saying random things, which looks awkward in the edit
  • Difference in the scenery between the studio and the classroom could be considered jarring if not transitioned well
  • Some of the shots of the band show them being quite static and not really moving around and getting into the zone

Targets for narrative shoot (shoot 2):

  • Reshoot all shots that include the main protagonist as their actor is unable to continue in their role.
  • Shoot new scenes to finish recording the narrative sequence, bearing in mind things such as continuity with costumes.
  • Shoot ALLĀ shots in focus with good framing.
  • Shoot more minor shots of the main character to help fill time if needs be.

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