What is a contents page?

In order to try and engage my audience, I’ve decided to develop 5 catchy headlines to help genreate interest and desire.

  1. Amazing new jazz content
  2. For all kinds of jazz exclusives
  3. Incredible breakthrough in the jazz community
  4. Shocking new exclusives
  5. Ziggy D’s hottest new single

When creating magazines, you must take into account the graphic designs of the pages you create. One such page is the contents page. When designing a contents page you want it to be both aesthetically pleasing but also filled with content in order to help the reader navigate the magazine. If the page isn’t pleasing to look at, the reader will get bored however if the page doesn’t have enough information then the reader will get confused. If both of these things are avoided then it can help the magazine with it’s AIDA process and the uses and gratifications theory. Some of the information included should be things like page numbers, an index and the main cover lines of the magazines.

In future when creating my own contents page, I will reflect on the things I’ve learnt today in order to try and attract my target audience so they can read my magazine and enjoy it according to the uses and gratifications theory. I will also design mine in order to allow ease of access to my reader so their experience when reading my magazine is slick and seamless so it’s not a chore to get through.

Draft of Front Page and Self Assessment


When creating a magazine, you need to make sure that you apply the genres conventions to your own so you can appeal to your target audience. This will help it appeal to the uses and gratifications theory of entertainment, information, social interaction and personal identity. You also need to make sure that your cover will work alongside the AIDA process in order for your audience to gain interest in your magazine. I believe I have had some success with this however I do believe I have room to improve. In order to improve in future, I have created a to do list of  five targets that could help my cover better.

  1. When shooting your photos make sure you’re on the right camera setting in order to get the cleanest base image possible.
  2. Make sure that the colour scheme used is consistent as the orange at the bottom looks somewhat out of place among the rest of the cover.
  3. Try to experiment slightly more with the Masthead and cover lines colour as it can come across as slightly off.
  4. Feel free to take time playing around with photoshop in order to find something that works incredibly well. The main cover star seems slightly out of place in the image.
  5. Try to create or find a more interesting background that compliments both the text, but also the main cover stars image.

First Contact Sheet

During one of our lessons we were shown how to use dslr cameras to take photos, however I was ill and missed the lesson so I ended up doing my photoshoot without much knowledge of what to do other than take photos. This caused many of my photos to end up blurry and unfocused however some of my pictures ended up well. I have listed some of the images I liked the most below.

Masthead Designs


My finished Masthead design in the large, underlined one in the corner. It’s colour is a purple to orange gradiant and its font is Franklin Gothic Heavy. Originally I tried a few more out there masthead designs however I felt that they didn’t fit my genre and its conventions so I decided to look at and take inspiration from some other music magazines such as downbeat, jazzwise and jazztimes which all had more grounded, regular fonts that were still appealing in their simplicity. Once I decided to take this approach, I found some designs that appealed to me however the font that I thought was the best fit was Franklin Gothic Heavy. I then played with the colour, first trying static colours and then moving onto gradients. After guaging what others thought, the purple to orange design won unanimously.

In future when designing aspects for potential media I will try and take into account the genre and the general conventions associated with it so I can attract an audience that will understand and appreciate why I have designed it that way. I will also use the people around me to get second opinions on my designs so my brand image isn’t based off of my potentially biased opinion and so i can ensure the best quality product for my audience.


So what am I up against? The competition.

When creating my music magazine, I had to think about what many magazines weren’t offering in order to create a unique selling point (USP) for my magazine so it will stand out among the competition. Upon researching other blogs and magazines, I found that the audience interraction was fairly minimal and that they mainly focused on the stars and nothing else. I borrowed this foundation of interviews, articles and reviews on these artists and decided to try and include the audience for a fair part in it so that we will engage our target audience with the conventions of the genre whilst also using artists to catch the eye of their fans. This will helps us entertain, inform, reinforce the personal identities of and help out audience socially interact so we accomplish everything on the blumler and katz uses and gratifications theory.

In future I will work hard in order to understand my audience through extensive research so any future audience I have so my audience can enjoy preferred reading without any issues and so I can draw their interest through a USP that my competitiors don’t use.

Music Magazine Layouts

Here I have made a moodboard of 10 magazines that I think look good and can take inspiration from. One thing I think most of these have in common with each other, is the quality lighting and colour. Many of these are monochrome with close up pictures, which I think works well as it emphasises the face of the model and makes them feel important. For the ones in colour, the lighting as well as the background colour make them the main focal point of the image. The colours also contrast with each other which makes them fairly eye catching, which is a key aspect of magazine design. One other aspect I think lots of these magazine covers do well is the positioning of the camera and the pose of the model. Lots of these covers have the star either in a fun, more carefree pose or a close up of their face which makes them seem very important. Some parts I particularly enjoy from these are the colour palette in the middle billboard cover, the posture of the man in the jazz magazine, the low-key lighting and positioning of the man on the jazztimes cover and the close up camera in combination with the facial expression of the man on the variety cover.

Production Meeting Agenda for 1st Photo Shoot

A Production Meeting Agenda (PMA) is a table of components that go into a photoshoot. Before doing a photoshoot you will need to fill this out in order to help see your artistic vision through properly. Here we can see a production meeting agenda for my first photoshoot. This will help me when I go to do my photoshoot as it is very direct and to the point with the important information it holds.

In future I will need to always remember a PMA due to their importance to the shoot. They act as a way for us to finalize our plans and start visualizing the future outcome by using features of MES. It will help us figure out who needs to do what and when they need to do it by.

Star Image – Theirs VS Mine

In order to get me thinking about what my star should look like & act like, I decided to study Kenny G as he is one of the most famous Jazz artists out there. Kenny G’s star image is that of someone that is very suave, down-to-earth and fun. He is portryed as someone that is fairly ordinary, yet in an extraordinary position so he uses his time at the top to have fun, like any regular person would. He is also portrayed as someone who is dedicated to & spends the majority of their time honing their craft, in his case it’s his music with the saxophone. This repertoire of elements builds Kenny G’s star image that has been built by not only himself, but the people around him such as his managers.

My star would come across as very fun, casual and artistic but also very cool and chilled out. These connotations would come from their pose and costume. They would have a fairly conventional costume, mainly being a suit with the top button undone along with some sunglasses and a fedora to top off the look. This costume would also connote him being a musician that works in jazz clubs which would further connote him being down-to-earth and fairly ordinary.

In future I will try and think about other stars of the same genre when creating the image for my star so I can more accurately represent my genre by using the repertoire of elements borrowed from several other stars whilst also keeping things fresh and adding my own twist to the formula so my stars image will stand out but also fit in within the conventions of the genre.

My Audience Profile

KYC – Know your client

In order to know my client, I used YouGov.co.uk to research some of the top jazz artists audience demographics and psychographics. For example, I found out that although Gen X aren’t the biggest fans of Jamie Cullum, they recognise him the most. I also found out that Frank Sinatra has an equal percentage of fans from both Men & Women however slightly more men have heard of him than women.

In future I will try and know my client before making a product for them by doing proper research in areas such as their age, gender, class, race, political beliefs, etc. If we encode our product using this research then our audience will decode it and it will appeal to their uses and gratification. It will also avoid oppositional reading which would be bad press for us.

Branding and Mission Statement

To create a great work of media, you must have a passion for it. So when deciding which genre of music I should choose for my music magazine I decided to go with a genre that I have a passion for and interest in. For this, the first genre that came to my mind was jazz. This music magazine will also need a name so I decided on The Jazz Hustle.

"Jazz Word Cloud"
Click on the link above to see this word cloud at WordItOut. You may also view it on this website if you enable JavaScript (see your web browser settings).

Hustle attracts people who love all things Jazz, from the musicians to the positive, fun vibes. Our magazine has paved the way forward for many jazz lovers, young and old, in pursuit of good music from any era. When new and hot information is coming out, trust us to be the first to report on it as well as our exculsive interviews with top musicians. If you want to know anything about jazz, our magazine is the one stop shop.

In future I will have to think about my branding and mission statement when creating a product in my future career in order sell my USP (Unique Selling Point) accurate enough for my consumers to be properly informed on what genre / news we cover and what our goal is so they can hopefully become repeated customers and have our magazine as a part of their uses and gratification.