Link to our Social Media Page –

Included below is a presentation of myself and my partners first draft of our social media page. Within this slideshow there are screenshots of every post that has been made so far, whether it was on the main homepage or on stories. These posts have included information such as a release date for our stars single, merchandise that available for purchase, collaborations with brands and behind the scenes exclusives. During this process, it was important that we thought about how our star was being marketed to our audience and how the audience is able to interact with the social media page as well as the artist themselves. The use of persuasive and exciting language helps to keep the audience engaged and interested.

The main colour scheme seen throughout our page is typically bright and uses lots of shades of blue and purple, this helps to with the continuity of our products as these are colours seen within our digipak and music video. In doing this we create a brand for our star, by using colours that the audience can attach to their image. Throughout our page there is clear use of the typical conventions that many other music artists display on their own social media pages, this guides the audiences and allows them to navigate through the page easily. We also use Blumler and Katz theory of entertainment, information, social interaction and personal identity, in doing this it helps our audience to resonate to our artist more easily.

In order to have a clear plan of our next steps with our social media page, it is important that we evaluate the work that we have completed so far.  In completing the evaluation below, we now know that we are on the right track and have completed many of the items within the checklist, however we have an understanding of what we need to include in the upcoming drafts of our social media page.

Please click on the image to view the PDF


Overall the first draft of our social media page has been successful and our star has been portrayed in the way we had hoped. However we understand that there is still room for improvement and that there are crucial aspects that we are yet to include. This means that posts within our second draft need to include the promotion of a physical copy of our album and the use of cross media convergence. In using these two key elements we will complete the criteria and will be able to continue on with our social media page successful.