My Media Diet

My Media Diet is a collage of plenty of different platforms and Media texts such as Spotify and Instagram.

Blumler and Katz came up with the uses and gratification. There are four main uses and this theory applies to why we use social media. The four uses are Personal Identity, Entertainment, Information and for Social Interaction.

My diet is personalised for me and is not the same as anybody else’s diet. This is because as a prosumer I create and intake media unlike anybody else. A prosumer is somebody who creates media. I create media by liking and commenting on posts.

There are many different reasons as to why we consume media and one of them is to reinforce our personal identity. I do this through Spotify where I listen to music that reinstates what kind of person I am and if someone were to look at my Spotify they would get some sort of idea as to what kind of person I am

Another example as to why we consume media is to be entertained. I watch Netflix on the daily as it passes time and engages me. This keeps me distracted and steers me away from boredom.

Social Interaction is another reason why we use social media as we are able to keep up with people we are close to. I use Snapchat daily to talk to my friends about what they are doing and to plan social gatherings. 

Focusing forward, I will need to consider all of these components when producing media as I need the audience to relate to the media. I will need to make sure that the media is entertaining to the audience and it is appealing to them so that they enjoy consuming it. I will also need to make sure that my media is informative to them and will give them the right information on whatever the media will be about, for example for my magazine I will need to write about the music genre to inform the audience about the genre and about the artist that the magazine is about. I will ensure that my media will be personal to the target audience and that they can relate to it and that the media reinstates who they are and what they like. I need to make it enjoyable for them so that they can relate to other people with the same interests and socialize and interact with others about the media.

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