Digipack Mockup

Having a mockup of a project will make it easier and provide direction for your digipack. This will make the production process more efficent as you will already have some sort of idea to follow. However, you do not have to stick to this mockup and can branch off to improve – This does not have to be the final product, for example I think that we should not include our band members in the matchbox in the final product as I believe that it will look ‘tacky’.


This is the mockup for our digipack..

This is our digipack mockup that we intend to recreate. We will obviously have to do this ourselves rather than taking images from the internet. Our aim is to create a scene set on a table with various items scattered around the matchbox. We want it to look candid, just like any table in our stars house. We intend to put our three stars inside the matchbox however we are not sure as it maty make it look unprofessional and ‘tacky’.

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