Music Video Form and Conventions

Music video form and conventions


When doing this task I looked at several music videos which were either performance, narrative or both. This helped me capture the crucial features in each video and have a better understanding of the different types of music videos and how either the narrative or performance is significant to the song and how they portray the genre of the song. It also helped me understand how the videos are produced and the conventions of music videos. Music videos shows the important of MES particularly within Narrative videos. Narrative videos specifically focus on the story of the song and how they imply meaning through acting. An important part of performance is the lip-syncing. If the lip-syncing is in time and matches the song it makes a huge difference to the video making it look more professional and authentic. It won’t give the same effect and dilate the lyrics the same as it being in time and professional. There are many important features you need to think about doing and including when making a music video, by doing this helped me identify the dominant features so I can include them when I do my own music video.




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