Category: Planning (page 1 of 3)

Advert Mock-up

I have created a hand drawn mock-up of my advert. The drawing is basic and I have just shown the basis of how I want my advert to look.
aaaI have created the basis of how I want my advert to look with his hand drawn mock-up.

I have used the same image on the advert as on the front cover of my digiak, creating a connection between the two products, this is also typical of adverts. I will have a black background but because this would have been to time consuming to do for the mock-up I have just written ‘black background’.

I have the band name, the title of the album, the release date, the star ratings and where the album is available to listen to or download from, this all being typical of advert conventions.

This will look a lot better in the digital draft I think but I know the ideas I am going with for the advert and the mock-up has helped me to decide the placement of images and information on the advert as well as helped me to get all the needed information down.

Risk Assessment – Digipak

Because I am creating entirely digitally I don’t need to fill out a risk assessment because I will not be doing anything with any risks involved or outside of school.

Digipak Production Meeting Agenda

My group and I have decided to create separate digipaks because of individual ideas. I am creating my digipak entirely through digital technology and therefore a production meeting agenda is not necessary because I will not have to create a shoot plan or organize who in the group are doing what. Instead I will need to make sure I spend time on the editors I am using to create my digipak and keep up to date with the different drafts I create and feedback I receive.

Digipak Moodboard

I have created a Pinterest page containing a range of different albums from bands that fit into the psychedelic genre which inspire me for my digipak. Looking into the psychedelic genre the conventions tend to be based around bright colours, swirled and bubbled writing, trippy images and more. Here is the page where I’ve showed the similar bands digipaks and written the conventions that go with the imagery.

Follow Beth’s board Digipak Moodboard on Pinterest.

Risk Assessment – Narrative shoot

Because we were completing our filming outside of school and in locations that could create dangerous situations it was important to fill out a risk assessment in which I could identify where there could be potential problems and decide how to control the risk of these situations before they become a danger. Using a risk assessment form I have filled in potential risks and how we will deal with them when filming and then acquired signatures from my parent and teacher to show my action I plan to take to control the risks are adequate.

risk assesment

Please click on the image to see the form in pdf

Production Meeting Agenda for Narrative Shoot

We created a Production Meeting Agenda for our narrative shoot.  This helps us get all the details down on one document to help organize the group. It also helps us decide who is responsible for bringing what as well as getting down the different times and dates for the shoots. The Production Meeting Agenda is an important planning document and really helps our group be more prepared.

Production Meeting agenda Narrative

Narrative – Storyboard

I created a shot-list for the narrative part of our music video. The shot list is really important because it is another helpful document at the time of production and shooting where we can look at the shot list remember the shots we need to take, this saves time during the shoot and means we are less likely to forget any of the shots we need.

narrative shot list

Please click on image to see full document

Production Meeting Agenda – Performance

I created a Production Meeting Agenda for the performance shoot for our group. This is a document designed to help our planning and organization before the shoot day so we can delegate different organizational tasks to each member of the production group and also make sure we have the time and dates for the shoot in a place accessible to all of us.

production meeting agenda for performance

Please click here to see the full document

Performance Storyboard

I created a shot list for the performance part of our thriller, this allows us to see what shots it is we need exactly and will help us on the day, we can take the shot-list with us when filming the performance and it will help us to get the shots done in a more time efficient manner and be more organized and also hopefully mean that we don’t miss any shots that we need.

shot list performance jpg

Performance Risk Assessment

Here is the risk assessment I have completed for my performance shoot, I have named potential risks and ways to control them. The risk assessment is very important because it helps us to identify the risks before we enter the location and gives us time to think about how to overcome the risk.


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