Narrative Sequence


In our groups, we were allocated a topic to make a 30 second mini film about. My group’s topic was ‘scoring a hoop’. Before beginning the filming process, it was important to make a storyboard to give a clear sense of direction of what scenes we were going to film and where.

My group managed to meet the criteria of the task but making a clip that was slightly over double the time allocated to us. Despite this, the shots felt necessary and fluid so we were given some leeway. I was content with the shot selection, however due to the time restrictions placed on the task, some of the shots were rushed and came out blurry and we didn’t have enough time to retake them.

I feel as thought the post production is arguably the weaker point of this video and it would have been more thought through if we were given a longer time to complete the project. the songs used in the clip could have been better chosen to fit the narrative and amplify the story line.

Despite the flaws, my group had successfully made a short film that told a story to an audience.