Media Ecology

Media ecology is the idea that there is a media ecosystem which all works together to form media texts and products all over the world. There are multiple different parts of media ecology consisting of, money, institutions, creators, audience, technology, government, social media, and distribution. All these interconnected and/or interdependent elements work in conjunction making a symbiotic media ecosystem. All media impacts on society’s understanding and perceptions of the world and how we al work, media’s ecology enables this to happen. People’s feelings and values impact media ecology and how media is made everyday by showing creators what things people want out of media. Media also effects what people feel and value, this proves how it is a symbiotic ecosystem in which everything works together to produce things like the news, tv drama, and more.

Knowing this will help in the making of my music magazine because I now understand and feel comfortable with all the elements of media ecology. Understanding all the elements will be useful in the making of my music magazine because I now understand how to fulfil all the requirements of the media ecology and also understand how it effects making a magazine.

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