My image that uses Mise-en-scene to communicate meaning

Mise-en-scene is used in most if not all media to convey meanings through images and media languages. Literally translated it means what’s on scene, this is an easy way to remember what it means and how to use it because of how its worded. We used multiple different of media texts and images to display the genre of music we were trying to convey such as locations, outfits, poses, hair and more. Heavy Metal is a very Anarchic and rough style of music which I feel we re created well. After a short research period we managed to create our images and accurately depict our style of music.

From this exercise I have learnt how to use MES, props, lighting, outfit, make-up, background and location, to create a scene and theme to a picture without telling the audience through words. The composition of the image is equally important to represent ideas, having the model look a certain way or having the camera take a wide angle shot rather than low close up completely changes the narrative of the image. The photo on the left shows some of the ideas the class had about what the image we created through costume and props conveys. The audience thought that I looked mean, Anarchic, tough, and stereotypically cool. Knowing how to do this before I come to make my images for my music magazine fit the part for the genre. The composition of the image is


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