Masthead Designs

Masthead Designs

Here is a selection of possible Masthead designs that I may use for my Magazine Front Cover:


The Masthead is a key component of a magazine, it provides the title/name of a publication. It is important to ensure that you make the Masthead big and bold because it’s one of the first things that would attract an audience member to look at it, so needs to stand out from the other conventions featured on a magazine front cover.

To begin designing, I searched for different font types on a website called ‘Da Font’ which held a wide variety of fonts for various categories. After researching other Indie Pop magazines, I discovered that they mostly used a sans-serif font which is very basic. I found 4 fonts which I liked, these were: ‘Keep on Truckin’, ‘Distortion Dos Analogue’, ‘Prisma’ and ‘a Abstract Groovy’. For my masthead, I liked the style of the ‘Keep on Truckin’ font so decided to play around on InDesign with different layouts and variations of ‘Cloud Nine’. I referred back to my last blog post on front page layouts as inspiration and wanted to borrow the idea of the ‘MOEVIR’ design of MADE IN HEAVEN. I wish to incorporate a similar style into my masthead.

Final Choice?

Furthermore, I prefer any of the top 3 masthead layouts shown above. I like the design of the one word block-coloured and the other outlined. I probably won’t use the top one as it is too monotoned for my genre and quite boring. The second one, I like the pop of the purple accent colour through the outlined word. I love the layout of the third one but I feel that it would be quite difficult to read due to the pastel accent colour and the overlap of the outlined word on top. However, these all fit my genre of Indie Pop perfectly so when I start producing my magazine front cover, I will test to see which one compliments my Main Cover Star image the most.

Focus Forward

This task has allowed me to refine my skills in InDesign and undertake the planning of a first draft layout for my magazine front cover.

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