Chosen Adverts

Chosen Adverts

These are the adverts that I’ll choose from:


Doc Martens Advert

I have chosen this Doc Martens advert as I feel the overall attraction of the advert would be of interest to my desired target audience. It also fits in very well with the vibrant colour scheme throughout my magazine. Referring back to my background information that I did in preparation for my indie pop magazine, I identified my target audience’s interest in style and fashion trends. Having indie being associated with hippies, makes the genre of indie pop very quirky and but grungy. So, I feel as though Doc Martens are a great reflection of the genre due to their rebellious style and trendiness across various social media platforms, especially amongst the female audience.

Doritos Advert

I have chosen this Doritos advert as I feel the simplicity and creativity of it will allure my ideal target audience. The simplicity won’t overwhelm my magazine and its readers. The way the product is incorporated into the design of the Mexican sombrero gives a sense of quirkiness and fun with the advertisement which would reflect the genre of indie brilliantly. Plus, Doritos are a popular worldwide food to snack on, tasty and very craveable. Ideal for any gender of any certain audience.

Even though I will not be marked on these adverts, this task has been very helpful to create a magazine that includes all necessary features and technical conventions of a magazine. It has also allowed me to remind myself of my target audience’s demographics and psychographics, as well as their uses and gratifications.

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