So What Am I Up Against?- The Competition?



Doing in-depth research has discovered a lot of competition amongst the EDM magazines all fitting the target audiences preferred reading.

Whilst I was researching I found that the correct feature needed to be added so the target audiences interests are satisfied. The competition amongst EDM is large and in order to stand out you need to include AIDA (Attention-Interest-Desire-Action).

  • It need to be attractive so that people will stop what they’re doing and read it
  • It needs to be interesting for the audience so they want to find out more
  • It needs to have a sense of desire so people are desperate to involved
  • It needs to have a call to action so they now where to buy everything

By including these it will result in the audience wanting to be there and reinforcing their personal identity and social interaction.


I have now realized that including all these features will make my magazine have a USP(unique selling point) and my magazine will stand out from the other competitors by having all the correct information.


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