The camera talks


In media we were put into the same groups as we were in for the mise-en-scene shoots. This time we explored using different angles (high angles, low angles, and canted angles) and shots (extra close ups, close ups, mid shots, medium long shots, long shots and extra long shots) to convey meaning in the photo’s we were taking. We went around the school and tried to include all the different angles and shots we had learnt about.

Here is our mood board of different angles and shots:

2 Best Images

  1. Mid shot, low angle – In this image the model is looking down at the camera and has a good upright posture. The facial expressions portray a lot of confidence and look quiet smug. This gives the impression that this model is a dominant figure. The model is in harsh lighting but their face is shadowed which could highlight that they are quite intimidating and maybe even a bully. The brick wall behind the model also makes this photo feel slightly claustrophobic. This is because this photo also feels like it has been taken as a P.O.V shot to make you feel cornered by this dominant figure. Similarly they could be someone who is a role model that you look up to as an inspirational figure as they look confident and proud from the way their facial expressions are and their body language.
  2. Medium long shot, high angle – The medium long shot focuses on just bellow the waste up, this shows that the half of the body that is the most successful in establishing the identity of this model is exposed. The high angle also makes the model seem very small and vulnerable where as the models hand looks identical to the proportion of the rest of the her body. This suggests that she reaching out as if she is trying to protect herself from something or someone. This is also exposing her vulnerability to show that she has only her gentile soft hands to defend herself and no weapon, this model looks to be in complete surrender to whatever she is looking up at. The hand is also shadowing her face which symbolizes she may be feeling in the dark and have a lot of despair and dread. Lastly we notice that the ground is just plane boring brick. This reminds me yet again that this may be an extremely suppressing place she is in and there is no where to go and nothing to bring ease to this person. It is almost like a school yard which may symbolize that this person is cowering in front a school bully.


I would say that I was really happy about how our shoot went. It was very interesting to learn how different angles and shots can give of different feelings and emotions. For example a photo that is a long shot and taken from a low angle can resembles power and dominance and makes people feel either intimidated or inspired by that person they are looking up too. Overall we managed to pick 9 best photos out of our 50 in our mood board and successfully included all the angles and most of the shots to our mood board.

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