Narrative Sequence

Here is my storyboard of a basketball match:

Here is a short film that shows the opponent steal the ball in basketball:


Learning how to use camera and a tripod

In lesson we were put into groups and given a tripod and a DSLR  that we were tasked to ensemble together. We first adjusted the height of the tripod legs to an even heights, the is two adjustment points on each leg that you can play around with depending on what angle you are wishing to shoot from. There is a pole that you can also move up and down if you wished to include a ped in your clip. Lastly at the top of the tripod there is a screw which you can unattach from the tripod and attach your camera to (make sure you do this and not try screw your camera in straight away, the camera could drop. You must make sure it is secure) you can then reattach the screw and and camera to the tripod, the base that the camera is attached to can move left to right allowing a ped shot.


When filming I used a range of different shots such as a high angle that pans from the player with the ball to the opponent which finishes on a low angle. The high angle is to convey how the player is a bit of a coward and is frightened, the pan towards the opponent is to illustrate the contrast of the two characters as well as to give the audience an idea from the players perspective as the pan results on a low angle looking up at the opponent. This low angle displays a more dominant and intimidating role. The next clip is a zoom in of the players face breathing nervously/heavily. This zoom in conveys that all eyes are on him and he is under a lot of pressure. The tilted shot that establishes the two players represents the nervous and dizzy feelings that unfold as there is a suspenseful wait on the next play. The final clip relays the opening clip as we are staring back down at the players feet once more. As the opening clip established the players shoes were black we were able to differentiate the opponents shoes in the last clip knowing they would’ve had to be the brown shoes. We are able to conclude that the opponent had finally made his maneuver and stolen the ball. This ending shot is also rather anticlimax as the camera is pointed towards the floor which highlights the disappointed audience who had hope for the player to make it past their opponent.

Learning how to use premier

The last major task we had to do once we had filmed our footage was piece the video together and edit it. I learnt how to tweak the length of each clip so I could cut certain clips and mark when I wanted them to start and stop. I also learnt how to use transitions the fade between important moments of the film; for example there was a fade from white to black when the opponent is about to make his move to symbolize little hope for the player with the ball. I also learnt how to use filters on video clips as demonstrated when the pan fixates on the opponent. This black and white tint on the opponent represents

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