Shoot 2 Reflection (narrative)


For our second shoot we shot on the sixth form site using one of the IT rooms and outside by building. This shoot went a lot smoother as we has prepared shots lists and had a really good idea of what we wanted to do and bring. My partner Archie gathered the camera and tripod as well two other actors for this shoot whom he informed what to wear, as I focused on planning all the shots and the office womens hair, makeup and costume. Here are some images from the shoot:

What Went Well

  • We had a shot list ready which made the experiance feel timeless and run smoothly.
  • We managed to get a range of shots from different distances and angles as they had been thought through thouroughly.
  • We felt extremerly confident and had everything mapped out so we didn’t loose our sense of direction.
  • We managed to improvise with the scene where the chair comes to life which still is a really good idea provided it was not our orgional plan.
  • We wanted to have low key lighting in the IT room so we shut the blinds. I also brang a black mesh piece of fabric to go over the camera for specific shots when we wanted enhance the darkness to reflect this women feeling overwhelmed and hopeless.

What Went Wrong

  • Unfortunately we had an issue at the very start, as there was a problem with the sim card in the camera so we has to waste some time by having to go and get another sim card.
  • The actors were told to come in black suits and tie, however one was checkered and one was navy. On top of this I had forgotten my blazer but luckily my partner bought a spare one for me. Obviously this isn’t a major issue as the old camera footage didn’t pick up the suits colour and detail that much.
  • We also managed to loose time when we realized that we had lost our exit sign that was to be put on the wall outside the building, so I had to run and print one off. This also didn’t manage to stick very well on the wall and after looking back in the shots the sign becomes slanted.
  • We didn’t end up getting a smoke machine in the end to create the effect that the office chair was coming to life.
  • Lastly since we ended up filming into lunch time it was difficult to not get shots with students in the back as people where constantly walking past.


Overall I believe that this shoot went more smoothly and less stressfull than our first one. I think our use of camera shots have improved and will be much more easier to talk about since the thought of each shot conveying different meanings has really been broken down and thought through. I am also proud of the improvisations with the mesh material and chair coming to life. I think me and my partner we much better communicating and coorporating together. Even though we felt organised with what we were actually doing our preparation in terms of costume and checking everything was good to go such as the exit sign and camera was very poor and we must not forget to be more considerate in the future.

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