Teacher Screen Castify Feedback


Not only were we given feedback from Specsaver workers but have been given some pointers in a screen castify over our music video made by our media teacher Mr Gregson. Here is our screen castify from our media teacher:

Our Strengths

  • Sir enjoyed our stop motion clips and thought they were very effective.
  • He also enjoyed our performance shots and the lighting was also much better in these than other clips.
  • We had included some good camera movement. E.g. when the first dancer moves his hands move one way and the camera spins the opposite way which makes the audience feel they are dancing with the video.
  • Mr Gregson also enjoyed the variety of different camera angles we used such as the Point of View shot when the office worker put on the glasses in the forest and you saw what the glasses looked like as if you were looking through them.

 What Needs Improving

  • We need to film the footage needed to fill in the gaps as we miss the background information of how the office worker came about on this journey.
  • Sir also pointed out that in our first encounter we needed to include a reaction shot of the office worker.
  • He also suggested we play around with the colour and brightness/contrast of our clips as there are some dull looking clips.
  • There is a particular clip during the first encounter that is too long compared to the other clips which makes it seem out of place.


After receiving feedback from both my media teacher and the Specsavers’ employees I now have clear aims that I need to achieve in order to improve my music video these main goals that I need to focus forward are:

  • Complete filming our office scene, green screen footage and back alley scene, so that we can assemble the footage together so that at least we have a complete video that you can watch all the way through.
  • Use lumetri colours to adjust the saturation etc in order to fit our genre of music better making it colourful and bright.
  • Add in the reaction shot within the first encounter.
  • Shorten the clip within the first encounter by either playing round with the scale and proportion to make it look as if there is camera movement within the clip (so there is a little more going on that and long shot), or I could shorten the clip and add in some reaction shots of the dancer.
  • Start including transitions and effects. – Possibly even use the format Adobe After Effects to achieve an even more trippy video.
  • Use curves to tweak the contrast and brightness as it is a more specific way than just boosting the overall brightness/contrast.

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