Final Draft – Music Video


Finally after a very long process we have finished our music video ‘Introspective’. After adding in final greenscreen footage, colours, effects, transitions etc we have decided that we are proud and happy to now present our complete work!


Now that the green screen footage has all been assembled together and filled in our missing gaps, our story line now fully making sense and runs smoothly. This green screen footage was essential to create a sense of journey for the audience members to understand. I went through and tried to tinker round and shift some videos lengths and placements ever so slightly to ensure that they were transitioning on beat. I also added some fade in effects or match cuts to help create transitions to differentiate different stages of the journey or different scenes altogether. Particically at the start of the music video I tweaked the saturation and brightness down to create a dim, dreary and depressing atmosphere to reflect the office worker’s lonely and overwhelming work life in order to illustrate that this worker is in a current dark place in her life. Once this chair comes to life I yet again used some special effects such as deformation of the shot, variety of different flashing colours and increasing brightness which portrays this worker who is going through a spinny and surreal experience, feeling a range of different emotions such as shock, delusion, disbelief, nervousness, excitement, confusion, curiosity etc… After the worker is finally set of on the road I then dimmed down the colours and brightness again to represent the passing of all that comotion and to reflect back to the fact that this worker is still overwhelmed feeling stressed and tired and probably just in worry about the past events shown in the music video linked to work. Throughout this music video, after each encounter we see the brightness and saturation slowly increase which resembles her recovering slowly and learning how to let go, enjoy and embrace all that is around her. One thing that was a goal of ours that we never ended up achieving was applying effects using Adobe After Effects. This was thought about long and hard but we believed that we had already achieved a lot in this music video and there was already a lot that was going on. We came to the conclusion that the aesthetic we went for juxtaposed the ‘professional’ world of editing and filmography, where now technology has been improved to make effects and film look so real and so perfect that that is what is deemed quality and of high standards. We had already filmed the footage for this video with a very old film camera so it was only fitting to continue this rebellion that differentiates from typical music video quality used now a days and applied it the the editing standards too and wasn’t about making it look to perfect and flashy as that is not what the message of our music video is trying to send instead our message is to understand that we are human beings who we not put on this planet to just accept and conform to anything and everything that society pushes onto us.




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