Digipak Conventions


Today we learnt about what you would conventions you would find on a digipak and how the conventions may also relate to our specific genre.  For example one convention would be a masthead (the title of the album), however what font and colour will you used to resonate with your genre of music? Here is my analysis of a front and back cover from an EDM album by M.I.A:


After doing this task it has not only helped me to understand to conventions of an album cover but has also helped me to use these conventions in certain styles that would help relate to my genre of music. For example a typical EDM albumn art style would be a blend of many different art methods such as Russian propaganda, early gamer graphic deisgns and pop art. EDM covers also tend to use sans serif and capital letters a lot as well as including many vibrant colours onto the page (most notibly purple). I love how over the top this cover as if someone who was really hyper was going crazy with patterns and colours on the page which reflects the EDM scene well as listening to it and being in that atmosphere makes you also feel very hyper. This has given me a lot of inspiration for my album colour and I will definately be using simlar features.

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